Weight Loss/Maintenance
Related: About this forumNews of my death are
Not exaggerated. Yesterday I died (as posted by his wife), apparently peacefully and in little to no pain, while sleeping.
On Wednesday, Kirk was given a new pain medication script. Since he was in quite a lot of pain for quite a while, he chose to take the last of his hoarded stash of pain pills that he had received nearly two months prior, when discharged from the long term stay Nursing/rehab facility he had been in for months. He had recently also been experiencing more issues with waking up while sleeping, due to problems breathing, caused by sleep apnea. He had just taken a sleep study which confirmed that he needed a bi-pap, but it would take a week or two (at the time) before they would be able to get the results to a doctor, so that he could get a new machine. It's my opinion that, due to the small amount of pain pills that he took, he became so relaxed (from lack of pain) that he was unable to wake up when he stopped breathing while sleeping. I was dozing in a chair nearby, and thought it strange that it was so quiet. However, I was so tired that I ended up falling back to sleep before investigating. It wasn't until I woke up a second time and it was still too quiet. I became alarmed and checked on him. It was too late, he had been dead too long for emergency personnel to revive him.
I have located a recent video and picture of him, peacefully smiling at me a very special smile that he reserved for me alone. The video was regarding a power chair he was going to return, but it's a voice and image that I can keep forever to remember him by. I still don't know what I'm going to do, but I at least have the comfort of knowing that I can likely get assistance with getting him cremated. A friend of ours has already offered to let me stay with him while I get myself stabilized, so my cats and I have a roof when our rent comes due for July. I hope that Kirk has been helpful to people in this thread, and anyone is welcome to link this to any thread where this would be of interest.

(27,985 posts):hugs:
I posted a link in General Discussion: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10026787131
(47,229 posts)etherealtruth
(22,165 posts)Wishing for peace for Kirk
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)
(281,688 posts)
(4,713 posts)
(154,021 posts)and condolences to Systematic Chaos's family, may you not know more pain.
(26,323 posts)
myrna minx
(22,772 posts)
(27,835 posts)My own husband passed two weeks ago, so I have a sense of what you are dealing with.
It does get easier - little by little, day by day. Don't be afraid to rely on friends and family, or to ask for help when needed. I have found that my friends are anxious to be of assistance; it is their way of honouring their friendship with him as well.
Peace to you and yours,
--- Nance
(10,729 posts)MissDeeds
(7,499 posts)Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Lilith Rising
(184 posts)
(90,319 posts)RIP
(11,649 posts)hifiguy
(33,688 posts)
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Totally wonderful guy. I'm so sorry to hear this.
(72,631 posts)

Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)
(4,019 posts)FailureToCommunicate
(14,415 posts)Last edited Sat Jun 6, 2015, 06:54 PM - Edit history (1)
You were right there with him...that must have meant the world to Kirk.
Wishing you some peace and rest in the coming days. Caring for someone so ill takes a hugh toll that only later becomes apparent.
Rest, and know you were loved. DU will miss your dear friend also.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)godspeed Kirk.
Peace to you and all of Kirk's family and friends.
(4,453 posts)
Peace for Kirk

(6,530 posts)He'd worked so hard on his health for so long. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,944 posts)passiveporcupine
(8,175 posts)
(44,397 posts)Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)I have to say, it's been a rough year for DU members.
(62,584 posts)I hope you can find peace.
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)I'm so sorry for you sudden loss.
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Blue_In_AK
(46,436 posts)ScreamingMeemie
(68,918 posts)...and I'm so sorry Mrs. SC. Please take care.
(9,927 posts)Peace to all those that loved him
(14,524 posts)

And for you, his life partner, thank you for sharing this with us.

(41,505 posts)

My thoughts are with you and your family
(5,258 posts)stage left
(3,050 posts)
(9,126 posts)But if there is a way to help donate toward cremation, I would like to help. I am sure others on DU would as well. My sincere condolences to you.
(96,604 posts)Thank you for letting his friends here know of his passing.
May you be comforted by knowing he is beyond pain now, and may his name be remembered for a blessing.
(3,679 posts)He was one of my favorites here. Rest in peace SC.
(24,853 posts)The Great Spirit took him by the hand and led him there so he wouldn't have to fear the Journey.
(2,256 posts)
(11,627 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)I am glad you have a friend to help you at this difficult time.
I am glad he was not in pain.
Take care of yourself, :hugs:
(21,252 posts)peace to you and yours.
(26,117 posts)
(2,012 posts)Please accept my condolences at this difficult time.
Please take of yourself and your furry friends.
(20,453 posts)I have a good understanding of what you said, and it breaks my heart. May you be held by family and given comfort.
My condolences to you and all your family.
(2,741 posts)to the family of Systematic Chaos...
Bossy Monkey
(15,873 posts)Violet_Crumble
(36,174 posts)He used to play Rocksmith too, and I'd added him on x-box live. I don't think he liked the same music as me, though, from what I could see of the songs he was doing...
RIP Kirk
(25,816 posts)kcr
(15,522 posts)My condolences
(5,644 posts)my heart felt condolences go out to you and all of those that loved him.
(114,020 posts)Peace to you, dear sir.
(17,258 posts)and I enjoyed talking to him so much.
Jeanette, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and Kirk endured so much together and through it all you loved one another so much.
Kirk was a font of knowledge and tried so hard to get healthy it just wasn't meant to be I guess?
Please do take care of yourself and message me anytime you want to chat.
I'm here.
My deepest sympathy and condolences for your loss and ours.
(10,056 posts)My condolences.
(30,236 posts)
(18,470 posts)lavenderdiva
(10,726 posts)While I knew he was in a great deal of pain recently, and had struggled with health issues over the years, I had no idea of this recent turn of events. My heart goes out to you while you are sorting out the myriad of issues and emotions that come with losing someone so precious. He was a very dear friend to me here on DU, as we were mods together for many terms. We also participated in several groups together here on DU and would PM one another, giving one another encouragement in our individual battles with weight. He was always someone who inspired me to stick to it, whatever the battle was. Life had presented him so many challenges, and he always seemed to rise above them, and yet deal with them head on.
His love for you J, was always evident and he felt so blessed by your presence in his life. He was very open about sharing how much joy and happiness and strength you brought to him. He seemed to be a caring and loving man, and I know he treasured your relationship. My heart breaks for you and this loss. Please know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers in this difficult time. I'm sending you LOTS of hugs.....
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)I am happy that you have a good friend to help you.
(33,224 posts)Person 2713
(3,263 posts)niyad
(122,593 posts)my deepest sympathies on your loss.
(23,797 posts)Moostache
(10,362 posts)I hope that you are receiving the love and support you need from family and friends.
(85,363 posts)I'm so sorry to hear this. Dear Systematic Chaos. All our love. And to his wife - thank you for sharing this most difficult and heart-rending moment of yours with us. You do not mourn alone.
(15,882 posts)don't have to suffer.
You have our thoughts tonight. And I am really glad you have that video as a reminder.
Take care of yourself. And the cats.
(17,796 posts)
(9,904 posts)
(31,744 posts)jschurchin
(1,456 posts)roguevalley
(40,656 posts)send you all the love I have. Time is your friend. Nothing else will help. Please take care and know you and Kirk are so loved.
Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)
Kirk/Systematic Chaos ...

rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)
(495 posts)