Weight Loss/Maintenance
Related: About this forumI am 1000 days into my lifestyle change. A few thoughts...including getting rid of the word "diet"
Last edited Sat Sep 14, 2013, 06:43 PM - Edit history (1)
In January 2011 I weighed 258 pounds - 54 years old, 6 feet tall. Bad knees. After a heart to heart with me by my wife and one of my daughters, the next day started my lifestyle change. Not diet.
today - it is September 2013 - I weigh 205 lbs, and I tend to drift between 196 and 208 over the course of the year. I am not dieting. I am living. I've changed how I've eaten and worked activity into my day since that chat with my wife and daughter in January 2011.
I feel great. Today my breakfast was cereal with blueberries and granola and soy milk, with coffee. I took my daughter to lunch and had hummus and pita, then a corned beef and swill on rye, with fries. We went for ice cream. Tonight I wanted to compensate, so just had dinner - yogurt with granola and blueberries. That's it....in a few hours, I will take the dogs on a long walk.
If I look into my google calendar, I can see what I've eaten every day since mid July 2011. I weigh in weekly. Writing it all down - everything - total honesty - and weighing in weekly keep things on track for me. When I go shopping, I park pretty far away from the store...I take stairs when possible. As many of you know, my main activity is gardening - actively. We bike, kayak, walk, hike. But not at a crazy level.
I have bad knees, but they feel great - and have ever since I got rid of the 50 plus pounds I lost.
How did I do it? My wife agreed to join Weight Watchers with me at the start, and we did that for six months - that got rid of 40 lbs. I joined a gym, increased my activity, and hold my daily calorie intake to between 1500-2000 calories. Ten more pounds vanished when my wife and I did the Whole Foods sponsored Engine 2 Vegan challenge for a month.
The word "diet" means doing something for a short period of time, knowing that eventually one can go back to what they were doing. so it is doomed to fail.
The phrase "lifestyle change" means just that - a change. Whether it is eating healthier, being more active or both, it is a change, and in my mind, there is no going back. I love focusing our meals on grains, vegetables, fruits - with occasional seafood, and even more rarely, meat. We have no food on a "do not ever eat" list - we just either don't buy it, or eat it in small portions.
I fully expect to stay at this weight or less, and eat and live this way or less, for the rest of my life. I can't preach to anyone to do this because XXXX or YYYY. It is a personal choice, and is not easy for most of us. But I love a challenge, I love my wife and daughters and dogs and cats, I love my life. I want to be around as long as I can; doing what I am doing of course offers no guarantees. But it can't hurt.
So, anyway, 1000 days into this, I thought it would be a good time to share and let you know what has worked very well for me.
ask me anything!
Oh yes - I am convinced - fad diets, book diets, anything that sounds like you get something for nothing - they don't - and can't - work. At least I don't think so. Because they are called "diets" and that means temporary.
I told you it was not that easy, but to be truthful, it hasn't been hard - it has been wonderful, challenging, enjoyable, and fun.

(21,044 posts)You've saved yourself a lot of grief. The weight really tells on you as you age.
(60,987 posts)Decided to toss the "big clothes" too - no turning back!
(2,555 posts)Avoid processed food, and so much excess weight melts.
Congratulations on getting to a better life.
(60,987 posts)haven't had a carbonated beverage (well, soda - can't toss beer totally over the edge!) in over 6 years - water, water, water.
Best part could be how good - great - I feel every morning!
(2,555 posts)I love good grapes - both fresh and in the bottle after a few years.
Beer is two of the basic food groups - it is that important. Although falsely attributed to Benjamin Franklin, there is much truth in the statement that "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy".
(20,234 posts)"corned beef and swill on rye."
You might want to rethink lunch joints.
(60,987 posts)Last edited Sun Sep 15, 2013, 09:17 AM - Edit history (1)
Most days my lunch is yogurt and granola...a treat now and then is why it works...for me.
was on my phone - will add more....My past failures at this (which I labeled "diets" were in part due to the denial thing. Part of what motivates me is that now and then I allow myself to have something from my past choices that I enjoyed - but in moderation. So once a week I have lunch with friends - my "meat fix" - burger, whatever - but it is then easy to get back on the healthier stuff.
Key for me is the self awareness - writing it all down!
(19,089 posts)I began the Esselstyn program some five months ago .... A strict veganism, without dairy, meat, any nuts or oils ... Its very strict, but it pays off greatly in cardiovascular health ...
I decided, however, to allow myself to occasionally splurge and eat a couple of nice meals with lean meat and fats a month .... Special meals with family and co workers should be enjoyed .... but afterwards? ... back on the program ....
I'm thrilled with the results .... I am down 45 pounds since April ... 20 pounds within the first month and the rest at a slower, more even pace .... I am enjoying the vegan options, and happy knowing that I can eat an occasional cheeseburger and then return to vegan ...
Its my choice ... it is now my lifestyle .... and I am quite happy with it ...
Good luck ....
(124,923 posts)enjoyed reading your story. Im trying to stay on a weight loss journey of my own.
(17,258 posts)and weight loss.
You're providing inspiration for those who need it.
I'm glad you're having fun with your new found life choices.
here's to good health and happiness for both you and your wife.
(60,987 posts)
right back at ya!

(135,060 posts)Saw this today on Facebook and couldn't agree more. It is about changing your lifestyle and it is a challenge everyday but I do it for me.
(797 posts)You are definitely right about diets not working, dietary lifestyle change is what works as its much more sustainable than a temporary deprivation of some aspect of your diet and relying on willpower to carry you through.
My personal course of action is going vegan, easy to maintain/sustain,eat as much as you want,result is many good health benefits.
Cane Jason
(14 posts)

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