Weight Loss/Maintenance
Related: About this forumI'm starting the Paleo diet next week.
In the past, I've done Atkins, with great success. I lost weight quickly, my cholesterol numbers got really good, really fast, but I hated not having fruit. After a few months, I found it really hard to adhere to. A few friends have started Paleo, and they seem to be doing really well. So I'm giving it a try - I'm not gonna be a fanatic about it, but I'm gonna give it my best shot. My main objective is weaning myself off grains and sugar. But I might have a cheat day once in awhile where I have toast with breakfast.
I'm curious about other people's experiences with this, and would appreciate any tips, advice, etc.

dusty trails
(174 posts)I'll check it out. I'm currently on a low to no carb diet, using Atkins as the foundation but doing my own meal ideas based upon his food list.
(29,503 posts)I've lost all the extra weight that I wanted to - I'm lean and in good shape (owing in part to vigorous exercise every other day).
So I'm more in maintenance mode now, and I've been able to incorporate very moderate portions of bread (whole wheat) or rice, sometimes substituting quinoa.
I don't miss eating unhealthfully - maybe ice cream and sometimes sugar (for tea or in desserts). But even on those two, I indulge once a week or so, no problem.
(15,261 posts)There are a lot of "paleo" recipes out there that involve combining nuts, dates, and other high-calorie "paleo" foods to make fattening concoctions that cavemen certainly didn't eat as regular parts of their diet.
(1,044 posts)I'm not going to be religious about it - mainly focused on giving up grains and dairy. A lot more veggies...
Today's the first day. So far so good
(60,160 posts)Our distant ancestors went to bed hungry on a regular basis.
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Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)I'd like to hear how you are doing, whether you find it easy to keep to the diet, etc.
(20 posts)Here are 5 tips to assist you get started on your Paleo diet:
- Pre-cook your food, even bring lunch to work.
- Keep a paleo-friendly meal replacement shake or bar in your purse or desk in case of a change of plans.
- Try a new vegetable - the more color, and the deeper the color, the more nutritious it is
- Don't keep any food you don't want to eat in the house. Out of sight, out of mind.
- Learn the way to use new spices. This will offer much more variety and flavors in your meals.
Response to coucouza (Reply #9)
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(660 posts)I found when I switched to Paleo (my version, don't eat anything you have to cook - cooking for flavor is okay, but if it NEEDS cooking, don't eat it) my desire for spicy food skyrocketed. I was going through Tabasco like Saudi princes go through BMWs. My wife ended up planting dragon peppers and Tabasco peppers in the garden to sate my needs.
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(797 posts)Heres some creative Paleo recipe ideas.
(46,436 posts)once you're into it for a while. I've been doing it for a couple of weeks. I've only lost a couple pounds since I have a very stubborn metabolism, but I feel great.
Today I was making some homemade ice cream to serve my daughter and her boyfriend when they come over tomorrow for dinner and made the mistake of "licking the bowl." That little bit of sugar was like a hit of speed. Weird.
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