Weight Loss/Maintenance
Related: About this forumI stopped drinking soda and that was a big deal for me.....
I always drank a lot of soda (I know I was bad.) But since Im on a diet Ive started drinking 4C totally light 2Go Sticks in water.
Ive never cared for plain water even though I know I should drink more. I also never cared for diet soda because I could taste the aspartame in it, yuck! Plus aspartame is really bad for us. 4C totally light products use Splenda unlike other products such as Crystal Light that use aspartame.
Anyway, I have not had soda in about 2 months or more and Im perfectly happy without it!
If you are like me, give this product a try!

(72,525 posts)For me the addiction is as bad as smoking. I've tried to quit numerous times but always fall off the wagon. So now, I am just trying to cut down on my daily intake.
(60,989 posts)We drink water with all meals (except for the very occasional glass of beer or wine - and morning coffee). Amazing how much better we feel! Helped with my 50 lb weight loss as well.
(23,211 posts)
I haven't had a soda or soft drink for years and I surely don't miss it... water, tea and fresh squeezed juice are my drinks of choice...
(disclaimer... I do choose to drink alcohol occasionally)
Lisa D
(1,532 posts)I have a HORRIBLE Pepsi addiction that I can't seem to break. I go cold turkey for about three days, then fall off the wagon again. For me, though, I think part of it's the carbonation. I like fountain Pepsi much better than from a bottle or can.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)And I really couldn't until I found this product. I don't miss not having carbonation at all.
Believe me, I was so suprised! I had tried many of those flavored waters and drinks before and thought I couldn't stick with them because they weren't carbonated. Then I found these (especially the peach tea & the half lemonade/half tea one) and I haven't looked back.
If you've never tried these I highly recommend you atleast give them a try.
Lisa D
(1,532 posts)Last edited Sun Feb 19, 2012, 11:24 PM - Edit history (1)
because of too much stress in my life. But I like the links you posted in the OP. I think an iced tea/lemonade combination might be a good substitute for the Pepsi, since I like both those flavors. I'm ready to give it a try, anyway!
(18,161 posts)Giving up diet soda was major. It was tough but now I don't miss it at all.
I drink a LOT of water with crystal light (the aspartame doesn't bother me). Actually, I use the brand sold at Target. I also drink a lot of decaffeinated tea. No caffeine, no soda. It's made an enormous difference.
Boudica the Lyoness
(2,899 posts)Or any carbonated water with no additives.
(3,073 posts)I got hooked on Diet Coke for a while and I still allow myself an occasional small bottle or can as a treat-sometimes. I guess it's like how some people really crave a beer. And I also drink club soda and sugar free sodas once in a while.
So,this year, I was given a Soda Strea as a holiday gift from my sisters and I am enjoying it tremendously. It makes really bubbly seltzer or you can select from one of a long list of flavors sodas (although I'm loving the plain sparkling water). Requires on electricity and is really easy to use. Recommend it highly if you are a fan of carbination.
(2 posts)Feel perfect, however when sometimes I have a very big desire to drink it - I may allow myself to be sure I do not punish myself with restrictions. I just know that I may drink it and do not want!
Little Star
(17,055 posts)I have also given myself permission if I ever feel the desire. I just haven't had the desire yet. That tactic works best for me too but maybe it wouldn't for some others.
(95,337 posts)I still remember hurling up a Sprite back when I was 5-6 years old. It was some monthly social event at the local Lions Club. Ever since then I've never been a big soda drinker - I might drink about 8-10 cans a year tops (usually birch bear or old-fashioned root beer)
Response to Little Star (Original post)
Post removed
(3 posts)LynneSin
(95,337 posts)Duke University Study Links Splenda to Weight Gain, Health Problems
The study, which was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, provides "evidence that, in the animals studied, Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%, increases the pH level in the intestines, contributes to increases in body weight and affects the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the body in such a way that crucial health-related drugs could be rejected," according to the press release. Instead of being absorbed as intended, Turner notes that medicines such as those used for chemotherapy, AIDs treatment or heart conditions could go right to the intestines instead. While the study was conducted using male rats, researchers were able to evaluate the results to determine possible side effects in humans. Turner notes that a rat study was also used by the manufacturers of Splenda to get approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to market the product to humans.
Use Over Time Could Cause Side Effects
"A person eating two slices of cake and drinking two cups of coffee containing Splenda would ingest enough sucralose to affect the P-glycoprotein, while consuming just seven little Splenda packages reduces good bacteria," Turner explains. While there is no cause for concern for one-time use, Citizens for Health reports that side effects can occur after use over a period of time. Turner also mentions that Johnson & Johnson reports that Splenda is not absorbed by fat and that there is now "unmistakable evidence" to the contrary.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/024543_health_Splenda_weight.html#ixzz1rlVAXdn8
About 2 years ago I discovered splenda and started going crazy drinking splenda sweetened drinks and adding it to my coffee and other products. Mind you my diet & exercize all stayed about the changed but I've gained about 25lbs over that 2 year period. Thinking Splenda was good for me I used it in everything. I could easily drink 8 glasses of Crystal Light a day (they do make some of it with Splenda), added it to coffee and drank alot of bottled snapple. Was it the reason why I gained weight? No clue. But I've eliminated using splenda except on a rare occassion. I keep Stevia handy, which is the only low-calorie substitute that is 100% natural (it's made from a plant).
I'm not saying you should eliminate what you are drinking, just make sure you're not using too much of it. Also if you are adding a sweetner to a beverage I would strongly suggest switching to Stevia (also known as Truvia)
Little Star
(17,055 posts)I've been keeping an eye on the Splenda debate too.
Did you know that that Duke University Study was conducted by The Sugar Association?
OK, so now who and what do we believe? Sorry gals, at this point there's a lot of confusion and not a lot of answers. Splenda's camp says "we're safe, eat up," and sugar's camp says "eat at your own risk" and the government seems to be pleading the Fifth. Until a third-party researcher with no ties to either entity comes forward and conducts a study, we're unlikely to know what the real truth is.
I think this article in Glamor got it right, we need a third party study with no ties to either entity.

(95,337 posts)If I have to buy something pre-sweetened I would always go with Splendia first. However if I have to add a sweetener to something I would rather use something like Stevia/Truvia where I know it's made naturally and not thru chemicalization.
I mean this is the same country that decided to go with High Fructose Corn Syrup was a smart way to make food.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)I have tried them and I can't stand the taste. So that's just not an option for me and my finicky taste buds.
Anyone who can stand the taste would be better off using a natural product like Stevia/Truvia, imho. On that I agree.
(95,337 posts)but it has improved. I like the taste you can get from Trader Joe's and Stevia in the Raw (from the folks that make sugar in the raw). Plus the Truvia is also pretty tasty too.
blue moon 2012
(18 posts)Fake ingredients get stored as toxins, which causes the body to store sugar as fat (or fat as fat) in order to protect itself from the toxins.
Why do it? Why wait for a study to tell you what you should already know?
(16 posts)I've done a lot of research on non-sugar sweeteners. The conclusion I came to was that splenda was the safest product available. I'm going to go back to the drawing board in light if this article, but I'm going to remain skeptical until I learn whether this is an extrapolation of someones preliminary findings reported as fact, or if this is peer reviewed science with good evidence to back it up.
As far as Stevia is concerned, be careful falling for the "it's natural therefore it must be good" fallacy. Ironically, Stevia has been shown to have mutinigenic properties (it can interfere and alter DNA). Having said that I don't believe that it's harmful, per se, and I'm aware that it has been used in Japan and So. America for quite some time with few if any side effects, but I'd suggest that you ingest your sugars, any sugars in moderation.
(2,185 posts)Altho I've lost 78 pounds since summer of 2010 (Thank you Sparkpeople.com)-
and I run/walk about 27 miles each week,
my blood pressure is still high normal.
I heard/read that diet soda might contribute to hypertension,
so as of May 1, I just stopped cold turkey.
I was surprised how easy it was, as in the past, I could imbibe lots of
diet coke/diet pepsi/diet whatevah, from dawn to midnight....
I drink more water and iced tea (home brewed)
and occasionally have a crystal light tea or diet snapple
but not with the addictive mindlessness of diet soda compulsion.
(My DH tells me if I'm drinking artificial sweetners, I'm not doing
myself any favors, but its hardly anything compared to soda.)
I see my doctor this next week... we'll see if there is a connection.
Or not.
So if my bp is still high, all bets are off.
Lisa D
(1,532 posts)and I can't believe how much better I feel! I was having a big problem with insomnia (duh--massive amounts of sugar & caffeine). I'm actually getting a full 7 to 8 hours of sleep now and it's made such a positive difference in how I feel throughout the day.
(1,233 posts)I was a several bottle a day Mountain Dew drinker for many years. Never thought I would be able to do without it. Quit cold turkey in March 2010, and am so much better for it.
The first few weeks were tough, but after that, the cravings went away, and I really don't miss it. I washed down a pill with a Sprite a few weeks ago and almost gagged. Way too sweet!
It is way better to use and drink plain water and juices instead of cold drinks,drinking and sodas.Because these kind of drinking direct caused to weight,health and other physique problems.I highly consist on plain water,juices and try to avoid cold drinks,sodas as much as i can.
(60,160 posts)Odin2005
(53,521 posts)I cannot stand the taste of artificial sweeteners, but stevia is pretty darn good!
(17,258 posts)I do like my coffee (unsweetened and with heavy cream, I don't absorb fats ) but try to get in at least 64 oz of some decaffeinated liquid each day.
I can't drink pop. It takes me about 5 days to drink a bottle (20oz) if I get one from the vending machine at work so it's hardly worth it.