Smoking Cessation
Related: About this forumPatch on, cigarettes soaked and tossed.
Let's do this thing!
I've been telling myself for months that I really don't enjoy smoking any more, I think that's a good sign that it'll stick this time.
I also can't wait for the patch dreams tonight. They tend to be pretty epic and cinematic.

(124,925 posts)a few minutes your crave will have passed. Good luck with your quit. I have been quit 4 years and rarely think of smoking anymore. I don't crave. I'm so proud I am taking care of my health. I too was not enjoying smoking anymore. Was the best thing I ever did for myself. Keep up that fight. You can do it!
(45,358 posts)It's good right now, and I want it to stay that way.
(1,412 posts)physical and physiological addiction of cigarettes, this life long smoker has been smoke free for 6 mo. I will never go back.
I have also saved $600,00 approximately so far.
First two days into quitting, I was having a terrible craves, so I bought a nasty big cigar and took a couple puffs, wow, yuck! Have not lit up since then. I did not want to replace one drug with another addictive drug. Joe explains this in his video library of Quit Smoking.
Please read why he is against using drugs to help quit smoking, especially Chantix
(2,514 posts)been there did that several times, before it stuck.... been quit now for over 8 years.. what helped me was support, i attend Nicotine Anonymous meetings... there are several of them a day on line check here for details..
(45,358 posts)Hey, I have a patch on, no big deal.
I'll seek support if I need it, but honestly I don't think I need it yet. Wanting to quit is a powerful thing.
And my face already looks better.