Supreme Court to rule on anti-choice group’s right to lie in ads

Supreme Court to rule on anti-choice groups right to lie in ads
By David Ferguson
Saturday, January 11, 2014 14:29 EST
The U.S. Supreme Court announced on Friday that it is preparing to hear a challenge to an Ohio law prohibiting candidates and political groups from making false statements in campaign advertising. According to Huffington Post, anti-choice group the Susan B. Anthony List maintains that Ohios False Statement Law stifles their right to free speech.
The case will be argued in April and a decision is expected during the last weeks of the Courts term in the summer. The Susan B. Anthony List issued a press release Friday saying that it is jubilant that the Court will hear their case.
We are thrilled at the opportunity to have our arguments heard, said the groups Marjorie Dannenfelser. The Ohio Election Commission statute demonstrates complete disregard for the Constitutional right of citizens to criticize their elected officials.
The foundation made demonstrably false statements during its 2010 campaign to unseat Democratic then-Rep. Steven Driehaus. The organization erected billboards that said, Shame on Steve Driehaus! Driehaus voted FOR taxpayer-funded abortion.
FSM, these folks really stretch the English language.