Related: About this forumIs Imprisoning Women the Latest Anti-Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center Strategy?
Is Imprisoning Women the Latest Anti-Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center Strategy?
by ZawnVillines, DailyKos
Crisis pregnancy centers are anti-abortion operations masquerading as medical clinics. They promise pregnancy tests, options counseling, and access to medical care. Instead, they try to scare women out of having abortions with misleading science and even threats. A post from a Reddit user seeking legal advice suggests that at some clinics, imprisoning women to stop them from having abortions might now be standard.
The post to Reddits r/legaladvice forum inquires whether its illegal to lock a woman in an exam room. The poster, who says they are a receptionist at a crisis pregnancy center, says the clinic locked a woman in an exam room after the woman said she was going to get an abortion. The woman called the police when the clinic wouldnt let her out, and the police told the clinic they had illegally imprisoned the woman.
I want to emphasize that the nurses and I followed company policy to a T through this entire situation. Did we commit a crime, or if a crime was committed, is it the fault of the business? inquired the poster. So locking a woman in a room wasnt just an isolated incident. Its standard practiceso standard, in fact, that the poster adamantly insists it could not have been illegal.
Later, the poster clarifies that the woman would have been allowed to leave if only she had signed a form. She doesnt say what the form was for, but CPCs have long used threats to try to get women to sign away various rights. A report by the National Abortion Federation found that CPCs may attempt to force women to sign adoption forms.
These anti-medical quack shops need to be outlawed!
Also posted in Women's Rights

Haggis for Breakfast
(6,831 posts)In WHAT state did this happen ?
(10,349 posts)Example of the form that CPCs try to force women to sign:
I have decided to continue my pregnancy to term. However, I am being subjected to coercion by others that is meant to compel me to terminate my pregnancy against my will.
The document then says that if the person who signed it is brought to a health-care facility to obtain an abortion, their presence would be a result of threats, intimidation, force or threats of force. It also threatens civil and criminal action against all participating members of the healthcare facilitys medical staff and non-medical support staff for a laundry list of 15 offenses, including wrongful death, sexual assault, child abuse, and fetal homicide.