Lady Who Tried To Bomb Abortion Clinic Cant Believe Anyone Would Call Her A Terrorist
Oh the hypocrisy of it all
Lady Who Tried To Bomb Abortion Clinic Cant Believe Anyone Would Call Her A Terrorist
Cheryl Sullenger, the senior Vice-President of the anti-choice group Operation Rescue is very, very hurt and upset. What hurt her feelings, you ask? Well! Abortion provider Warren Hern took out a full page ad in the Denver Post in which he had the utter gall to refer to some people in the pro-life movement as terrorists. In the letter, addressed to girl genius Marsha Blackburn, who is currently investigating Hern to make sure hes not selling any fetal tissue a thing no one is actually doing outside of the fevered imaginations of anti-choice activists Hern says,
You and your Republican Party are vigorously allied with a violent terrorist movement that threatens the lives of women, their families and healthcare workers. As part of this sham investigation, your letter to me and letters to other physicians constitute a program of target identification for anti-abortion assassins. You can deny this, but it is a fact.
Your investigation is legislative harassment that endangers our lives. The blood of any of us who are assassinated is on your hands.
Sullenger could hardly believe that Hern would use such language to describe her and her compatriots!
Herns warped perception of the work of a peaceful pro-life movement that sacrifices to aid pregnant women and provide loving alternatives to abortion acts that he considers terrorism reveals how much Hern is deceived by his own fears and prejudices.
Herns hateful missive is typical of liberal-speak. Anyone who disagrees with the Left is hated, disrespected, castigated, bullied, and demonized.
Now, she would have a point, perhaps
if she were not actually a terrorist herself. You see, in 1987, Sullenger was involved in a failed plot to bomb an abortion clinic, for which she was sentenced to three years in prison. The only reason the gasoline bomb didnt go off and hurt anyone is because its fuse was blown out by the wind. So, shes literally an attempted terrorist who is quite indignant about someone classifying her as a terrorist. We arent sure how exactly the firebomb would be classified as a loving alternative to abortion, as fire and bombs both tend to be rather harsh.
Following her stint in prison, Sullenger aided Scott Roeder in stalking abortion provider George Tiller, providing him information on Tillers whereabouts and court dates. Roeder then used that information to murder Dr. Tiller. Operation Rescue also operated a site called Tiller Watch, where they published Dr. Tillers home address presumably not so people could send him Christmas cards. They also regularly attempt to stalk and harass employees of abortion clinics into quitting their jobs. Lovingly.
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