Marco Rubio Dreams Of Forcing Zika-Infected Women To Give Birth To Microcephalic Children
Last edited Mon Aug 8, 2016, 09:31 PM - Edit history (1)
D-U-M-B everyone's accusing me
Marco Rubio Dreams Of Forcing Zika-Infected Women To Give Birth To Microcephalic Children
This weekend, Marco Rubio, the former GOP presidential contender everyone was trying to pretend was somehow less wacky than Donald Trump because he was better able to say horrible things in a pleasant sounding way, announced that he believed, deep in his little coal heart, that women infected with the Zika virus should not be allowed to have abortions.
The Zika virus, you see, causes microcephaly in children a condition in which the brain doesnt develop properly, resulting in a smaller than normal head. Children born with microcephaly often suffer from intellectual and developmental disabilities, seizures, hearing and vision problems, short life expectancy, etc. etc. Many years ago, parents unable to care for children with this condition would often end up selling them to circus sideshows, where they were displayed as missing links, Aztec children or pinheads most notably Schlitzie Surtees, Pip and Flip Snow, and Zip the Pinhead. Why? Because really bad stuff happens to children when you force people to raise children they are not able to care for!
schlitzie pip flip
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But we digress! Here is what Rubio had to say on the subject:
I understand a lot of people disagree with my view but I believe that all human life is worthy of protection of our laws. And when you present it in the context of Zika or any prenatal condition, its a difficult question and a hard one, Rubio told POLITICO. But if Im going to err, Im going to err on the side of life.
Unfortunately, Marco Rubio only errs on the side of life when its the life of a fetus! Once those microcephalic babies are born into the world, they can pretty much go screw. He really, really wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and if that happens? Well, the Zika virus and the microcephaly are going to be considered pre-existing conditions and it will be very hard for all those lives he cares so much about to get insurance and the medical treatment they will need throughout their short lives.
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