Related: About this forumMean ACLU Won’t Let Hospital Refuse Ladyparts Care For Jesus Reasons
how is that even fair?
Mean ACLU Wont Let Hospital Refuse Ladyparts Care For Jesus Reasons
probably easier than a lawsuit, honestly
One day, we will make it big and be rolling in money. Haha not from blogging, silly. Dealing drugs, maybe, or trafficking in delicious baby parts. When we do, we are gonna donate so much monies to the good people at the ACLU, which just will not stop suing the living shit out of Catholic hospitals for failing to provide basic reproductive health care to people with lady parts.
On Tuesday, the ACLU of Northern California filed a lawsuit against creepy creepy Dignity Health, a chain of Catholic hospitals based out of San Francisco. Why is the ACLU all up in Catholicisms business this time? Because their hospital in beautiful Redding, California, Mercy Medical Center, wont let a perfectly nice lady get a tubal ligation, because of Jesus.
The woman, Rebecca Chamorro, 33, of Redding, has two children and is due to give birth to her third by cesarean section in late January. She and her husband say they have decided not to have more children, and their doctor has agreed to perform the tubal ligation immediately after delivery, when the operation is most commonly carried out.
Mercy Medical Center, the only hospital with a delivery room in at least a 70-mile radius of where Chamorro lives, sent a letter to her doctor in September saying the operation violated the ethical and religious directives that govern Catholic hospitals. Ah, yes. The ethical and religious directives that govern Catholic hospitals. Let us provide you with a helpful translation: We dont care about women even a little bit because were basically repulsed by their bodies, unless they are shoving out a baby, in which case, cool.
Now, why does this lady need to tie off some of her lady parts while she is birthing her baby? Because that is ideally when it is done, stupid.
Chamorro wants her tubal ligation done in the hospital during her scheduled C-section to save the time, cost and potential trauma of a second surgery. [
] Its considered more cost-effective to do the procedure after a C-section, when a womans abdomen is open and shes under anesthesia.
. . . .

(3,245 posts)drmeow
(5,472 posts)should be suing them, too.