Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumHey guys, I'm still alive, and doing really well.
I know it sounds like a parody of Bradley Cooper's Pat in Silver Linings, but I'm happy. I needed a big break from DU, I've lurked but almost never posted. I thought I'd do a quick update, not a novel as in the past.
So, the good -- in March, I found a new "new pdoc" who agreed with my therapist, not bipolar, but PTSD mixed with a healthy dose of anxiety last summer. And, the new treatment plan -- nada drugs, just keep working on my cognative behavior therapy, which involves staring down the things that trigger me. So, I've revisited the hospital, walked at night some of the routes I walked last summer when I was so upset, and so on and so forth. Some things still bother me, but just a little bit, just that feeling of tense in the pit of your stomach, nothing I can't talk myself out of in about 30 seconds by telling myself this is now, that was then, then is gone. Also good, well, great, I hope -- she decided to take me off lamictal, started tapering off end of March.
Now the bad -- she decided to take me off lamictal, and a few days later, all Hell broke loose physically. Mentally no issues, I'm still a happy camper. Physically, started having some weird symptoms, tremor, fatigue, dizziness, nausea. It hit me very suddenly, the first day was at the gym, I was working out, felt weird, like a low blood sugar thing, started to shake, an hour and a lot of honey and orange juice later, I kind of staggered to my locker after sitting for an hour, and had to ask the guy next to me to unlock it because I couldn't hold my hand steady. Went to both doctors several times, had labs done, then found an "integrative medicine specialist" to coordinate/help. She ordered a TON of labs, they drew like 12 vials of blood, and .... I'm anemic with a lot of weird blood numbers, and she was going over the labs and sent me to my PCP for orders for a complete cardiac workup, so I see a cardiologist in about 10 days.
But, I'm happy. Work is good, home is a lot better, I'm kind of disappointed that this is cutting into my fitness program, since I don't feel up to doing what I want to be doing. But, still plugging along, next week I start the swimming lessons I've wanted to take.
I hope all is well with all of you. Sorry for leaving abruptly, I just really needed a big break from all of this, from my anxiety over it, and it's done me a lot of good. I won't be a stranger, I will probably post a lot more in the Lounge because I like everyone there.
Have a great weekend. I'm going to try to get yard work done and plant my vegetable garden and flowers. Crappy spring here, very cold in April, snow on Mother's Day, and it rains every weekend or is cold. Finally, some summer-like weather this weekend, but with heavy rain. I'm doing it no matter what, even if I have to wear my Frogg Toggs raingear to do it.

(138,724 posts)

(153,134 posts)I'm glad you're doing so well...
Have fun out in the garden!
(6,154 posts)Was wondering where you were. Not sure if you know who I am but I've been posting in here a lot recently. I remember your posts from a while back. Glad to hear things are going so much better for you!!
About the drugs did your DR say that it was ok to go off the lamictal as quickly as you did? From your post it sounds like you didn't taper. Usually you want to taper off of most mental health drugs. I'm currently trying to get off cipralex, an SSRI, that I've been on for about a year. But it's going to take a month or so to taper off. Otherwise I would expect a lot of bad side effects, jittery, bad dream sweats, jumpy, brain shocks etc... I'm surprised the same wouldn't be true for an anticonvulsant.
(6,581 posts)About 5 days after I dropped the dose by 50 mgs. It's all weird, and honestly, three doctors aren't sure about the cause of any if this. Could be lamictal, could be unrelated. Leave it to me to be unnecessarily complicated.
(138,724 posts)and would be good if, as you do, 'telling myself this is now, that was then, then is gone' worked for me. Not sure it does, but the tense feeling doesn't incapacitate me as depression couple years ago, due to sociopath husband, did.
VERY HAPPY to read of your success, and sorry, Den, it took me so long to get back to you.
(24,146 posts)and it sounds like things are pretty good.
happy to see you
(6,581 posts)I'm happy to see all of my online friends as well. I just needed a big break.
I feel pretty good today, so I got in a good ride this morning early, 25 miles, and since then I've been getting my vegetable garden planted, finally. Crappy spring here, cold and always seems to rain on the weekends. Three weeks ago, MD weekend, it snowed with a high of 37 and 30 mph winds. Today, warm, muggy, storms later.
(6,119 posts)I don't know if this would be the same thing but when I tappered off effexor xr. A doctor and my chiropractor also supported, to take fish oil, magnesium, multi B vitamin, vit C, vit D. I really helped with the brain zaps.
(24,146 posts)good luck