Mental Health Support
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This message was self-deleted by its author (Denninmi) on Mon Feb 11, 2013, 08:39 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Response to Denninmi (Original post)
BainsBane This message was self-deleted by its author.
(55,655 posts)There are sometimes free support groups at mental health drop in centers, if Michigan has such a thing. NAMI will know.

(20,856 posts)DBSA - Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance have support groups all over the country.
Also Meetup groups are good just for finding people with similar interests.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)I was celibate for a long time and I know a lot of people find that strange. It was also difficult for me to explain why. It turned out that I had some issues with sex that I needed to work through. My drive was there and everything functioned okay, but even after I met my wife and we started having sex I still had a problem for a little while.
I'm not saying that you also have issues with sex- I wouldn't know. I'm just trying to explain why your therapist may be pushing the issue. It could have ramifications for your personal psychology. Try to set aside your discomfort. This therapist knows you the best and she is a professional. If you have any problems, it's not likely something that you will resolve is just a few hours with another therapist.
(6,581 posts)I guess after everything, this is trivial, and as with so many things, if I just bite the bullet and go with the flow, I'll get over it.
Therapy Thursday may be a little awkward at first, that's all. We're picking up where we left off, which was basically me talking about my experiences, or overall lack thereof. And she was asking me why I felt like I wasn't worthy of having a relationship, after I told her I was about the worst possible catch anyone could imagine, or in the terminology I used on the Men's Group forum a few weeks ago, an "epsilon male" (after the caste system in Brave New World).
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)Your self esteem is incredibly low in this area. You're a good guy, Dennis, and you are worthy of a happy relationship and all of the stuff that goes with that. I can't ever see you doing anything bad to anyone, let alone a mate. You're kind, generous, and you have a good sense of humor. You are probably one of the nicest guys on the planet. You dress nice, you've got a good job, and you are conscientious about your health. What's not to like?
Chin up, hoss.
(36,063 posts)that you trust her completely.
This is just drivel Dennis.
You look for attention and expect to get a pat on the head. And it's almost always delivered.
Who the fuck is dealing with you honestly????????
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)I think the fact that Dennis' therapist is a woman is important for his recovery. Also, I always tell it to Dennis the way I see it.
On an unrelated note, I really wish you wouldn't delete all of your posts in this group for whatever reason you've deleted them for. I know their yours and it's your right to do it, but you really add a lot to this group and when you go through and delete all of your posts like that you're deleting a lot of information that has value to people and that could possibly help someone out in the future.
(36,063 posts)I think that PM's to me from carping members of this forum dictated that I delete my threads
So stick with what you KNOW.
If others would play by the SOP, if others didn't fuck around with sock puppets in this forum, this would be much easier.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)I'd tell them to piss off.
I could understand someone posting under a different name in this group, even if the first one is already anonymous, but I haven't seen any malicious intent here.
(711 posts)Along with being a woman, she reminded me a lot of my long-deceased mother. To add more to the uneasiness, although she was divorced with 2 daughters, she spent time in a convent, with the aim of becoming a nun. To me, a cradle Catholic, that made it REAL tough to talk about sex.
However, once we did get around to it, I did discover that this was the source of some of my problems. They got dealt with, and I'm in a much better place now.
Its not easy to deal with, but in my case, it helped me to confront other problems, also.
I wish you luck!