Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumDo I make a pest of myself here, like I am in need of constant reassurance?
Please be honest, at times I feel like some puppy that follows around and gets constantly under foot. And, I've realized I do this in flesh and blood life as well.
Please don't feel inhibited if the answer is yes, I am just looking for ways to relate more appropriately with people, and no answer would offend me.

(68,644 posts)And I don't think that there's anything wrong with that!
Response to Denninmi (Original post)
HereSince1628 This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to HereSince1628 (Reply #2)
HereSince1628 This message was self-deleted by its author.
If you need a little reassurance or validation, I'm glad to offer any I might have. You are good with me.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)As HS said, your honesty and openness give us all an opportunity to grow- not just you. I'm happy this group was here for you when you needed it most and we will continue to be here, in part, thanks to you.
(1,089 posts)I don't see you posting anything off-topic or uninteresting. I enjoy reading your threads (here and elsewhere) and seeing what happens.
(138,724 posts)We're happy to hear how everyone is doing, and to help when/if possible.
(6,581 posts)I guess it's my own insecurity talking to me ... Ruh roh, those dreaded "voices in my head".