Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumAnyone have any experiences with using Xanax?
I was given some Xanax (actually generic version) to help with panic/anxiety attacks. Yes they work like a charm. But I'm going on a month now and I'm still having daily panic attacks (sometimes several)...and taking anywhere from .25 to .75 mg a day (I take them as needed but am following the instructions of waiting at least 8 hours between doses). I'm super nervous about staying on Xanax for much longer but the stuff does work. Does anyone have experience staying on benzos for longer than just a few weeks and how did it work out? Did you get hooked? Did you have bad withdrawls when you stopped? My doc says I'm on such a low dose I probably won't get hooked and I'll weaned off under supervision if I have to take them for awhile...(Don't want to get hooked to begin with!) So just wondering if anyone else has any stories about taking Xanax or other Benzos? Thanks!

(250 posts)but I could do with some relief myself. I suffer from panic attacks
on a daily basis. my doc wont give me anything to help me.
Ive been told to just try to relax and do breathing exercises
Please send some of your meds my way, would be grateful
(17,162 posts)I suffered the majority of my life with GAD and didn't really know it until
about four years ago.
If you have any history of substance abuse, you are not a good candidate
for certain medications and no good doctor would give you benzo drugs.
However, there ARE alternatives, medication wise.
I was on ativan for three years and had to switch because over time,
the body builds a tolerance and it stopped working.
Thankfully, I have very good doctor who switched me from ativan
to klonopin which is working like a charm for me.
NOT ONE panic attack since I started it.
Restful sleep and able to function again.
Life is good.
If your doctor does not help you with your anxiety, find a new doctor who will.
There is no need to suffer.
(250 posts)so I cant understand why he wont prescribe anything that can calm me down
(17,162 posts)affecting your quality of life, as mine were.
I'd get a second opinion.
Like I said, there is NO need to suffer.
Perhaps your doctor is ultra conservative in prescribing medications
in general.
You are going to need to take charge of your health and
keep searching for a doctor who will help you.
Breathing and relaxation techniques can help, but
they do not address the neurological and biological
issues involved in GAD.
(2,566 posts)I'm getting to the point now where I'm nervous because I only have a few pills left and worried whether I'll be able to function if I run out. I was very hesitant about taking the benzos to begin with. Yes they work well at taking away the symptoms temporarily but I think they're just a band aid and not taking care of the root cause of my anxiety. I'm not covered for any kind of mental health treatment under my insurance (pre-exisiting condition b.s.). I'm seeing a counselor at a place that offers a sliding scale rate since my insurance won't pay for me to see a psychiatrist and I can't afford it out of pocket. Been getting the Xanax from my family doctor who only gives me about a 2 week supply at a time. All I can say is this is a living hell. I hope I can get some relief soon.
(17,162 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 3, 2012, 06:37 PM - Edit history (1)
My doctor always paid strict attention to how whether or not
I was taking Ativan AS prescribed.
The risk of abuse is very high among patients.
I never took more than what he told me too and it worked
very well for me for years, however, my body got used to it
and it stopped working for me.
Thus he switched my medication to a different class of drug,
Klonopin. (ON EDIT: My mistake, Klonopin is a benzo, but a much longer acting one)
I am extremely happy with it so far.
Talk to your doctor about the alternatives to Zanax and other benzos
as he/she is most likely concerned about you becoming addicted and possibly
abusing medication; it happens and doctors are pretty careful about making sure
you don't end up with a worse problem than what you sought help with
in the first place.
Good luck!
(3 posts)and I hope you'll find relief soon.
Is your doctor a GP or a psychiatrist? what about psychotherpy?
(6,096 posts)silentwarrior
(250 posts)I havent received anything though
Terra Alta
(5,158 posts)I'm on a very low dose and only take it as needed. I work in retail and sometimes it can get very stressful so I have to take it to keep me calm. I don't need it on my days off. I wouldn't say I'm addicted although I seem to be taking more these days due to the stress of working retail during the holidays. I would talk to your doc and see if he can wean you off and/or prescribe something else for you. Good luck.
(24,146 posts)i've been taking ativan in low doses as needed (only a few times a month) for close to ten years now with no issues. benzos are very easy to become dependent on.
(3,998 posts)recommends Serax for anxiety, especially for longer term use. Not as addictive and easier to come off of. I haven't tried it, I have Ativan for short term use. I see my doc this week and I'll ask about the Serax.
(38,197 posts)It just numbed me. It didn't really help with the anxiety. I know SSRI's are not for everybody, but those are what has helped me the most with the panic attacks. They seem to work better, once you have been taking them long enough to get enough in your system. The Valium just made me drool and nod out a lot.
It is not addiction, though, if you need it to function, health wise. It is only an addiction when someone who has no need to take those medications takes them just for fun. If it works for you and your doctor says it will be ok, then it should be ok.
A Little Weird
(1,754 posts)But my uncle became very addicted to Xanax. He was like a zombie most of the time - couldn't hold down a job, couldn't stay in the road when driving. He couldn't even have a conversation - he would mumble incoherently and nod off in mid-sentence. He would be like this most days. It was very scary for everyone around him. He finally wound up in a hospital after a mishap and was taken off Xanax. He seems to be much better now - I don't know what he's taking (if anything) for his panic attacks.
Anyway, I know everyone's different and responds differently to medication but please be careful if you take it.