Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumI feel so hopeless
Im having one of those days where I see what is going on in the world and cant help but think all hope is lost. That no matter what we do that we are destined to lose.
I want to believe that there is some hope. That things can and will get better. That I am over-reacting and that things have been this bad and worse before and somehow things got better. Not just on the gender thing (Im on trans HRT) but in keeping the world from falling into a dystopian future where the rich have screwed over everyone else. I never felt this way before 2016. Even during the Bush years I had hope.
It seems like every single thing is lined up against us! The richest man in the world not only is against us now but it now been revealed is behind the major Trans panic that started in 2022. The peoples united ruling from years ago combined with the polarization of the US ensures there will never be enough votes no matter what we do to get the legislation needed to stop the ever growing corporate hegemony. Said Hegemony will sells us all out the movement bigot activists threaten a boycott and cut all sources of funding to promote equality as the billionaires funnel more and more money into the hate machine. We wont even be able to promote our views via media due to said corporations not allowing for fear of boycotts of right wingers/ China/ and Russia.
Even if we win this November I dont see how things wont continue to deteriorate.
Funny enough, I also feel had things gone different back in 2016, maybe then we could have been overseeing a new age of progress. The fact that things changed so quickly and maybe can again is the only light I see right now
and it is so faint. If everything goes the correct way maybe we can at least return to normal.
Im so glad I never had kids and between my age and HRT I know I probably never will. They would have suffered especially in the years to come. I just hope I have the savings to get my brother (who no-one thinks could manage on his own) and myself through the years ahead.
I am not young anymore. Im on the verge of middle aged now and I cant ever remember things being this dark before. I just cant see any future that ends happily for me or those I love

(18,998 posts)Sending you kind thoughts and hugs.
Response to LostOne4Ever (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,028 posts)Being trans myself the weight of the target on my back gets more heavy.
The way I get my sliver of hope back so I can exist another day is remembering what I do not know.
I dont know what is happening in peoples minds. I dont know what all the measures that are being taken that I cant see being done by people I dont know to save our democracy. Because as strong as I feel about it all I can know others out there feel strong about all of it too.
I dont know isnt reassuring on face value but looking at it this way, it becomes reassuring not a lot , but enough. Enough to live and be here today.
(49,476 posts)and for your health look to the simple things for some joy. Avoid the complex for awhile.
(8,251 posts)They lived through the Great Deprssion and World War II (and also World War I, but ntey were like 11 and 12 when it ended), and also through Joe McCarthy's purge (which I vaguely remember, only because the HUAC carried it on for a while.) It got a whole lot better after that before it got worse again starting in 1980.
There will always be fascists around. Some people just have that temperament, and it has nothing to do with right or left. We need to learn to deal wu=ith them befi=ore they solidify. I'm a huge fan of The Political Compass (a dot org site0If we could get it taught in secondary school civics, it might help. At the very leaqst we might could identify them early.
Assuming we survive this, it should be multiple generations before they start to get strong again. Those generations need to be taught how to idenyify the ttrned before they become too strong. That may be difficult, but not impossible.
(10,089 posts)Response to LostOne4Ever (Original post)
Pink Hyacinth This message was self-deleted by its author.
(9,629 posts)I was in a real dark place when I posted this and I truly appreciated all the encouragement!