Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumEverything cascading... having panic
I took my meds. Everything seems to be crashing and I feel like I'm losing it. My therapist has a new, confusing interface, so i hope i can talk to him Thursday.
I yawned a little yesterday and got a sharp pain in my left ear. Devastating. Yesterday seemed a bit better. This data breach has me terrified. I'm scared to look at my credit reports now. I'm just freezing and shutting down.
Still cut off from relatives and they're not contacting me.
Just waking up now I have a few second s of peace and then remember all of these problems.
Anyone ever feel like this? Im overwhelmed constantly waiting for something bad to happen. The jaw thing and data breach are the most stressful.

(31,745 posts)I have been through similar periods. I won't tell you to stay strong, because I don't always do it myself. Keep posting and lean on us. Look for people IRL who might help. Don't give up.
(15,568 posts)Thank you. I just wish something would ease up..
I already have anxiety and all this stuff is making it so much worse
(2,954 posts)focus on only your breath. Also, challenge your bad thoughts. Lastly, exercise. Keep it up.
Thank you for responding
(1,108 posts)As long as it feels comfortable, place your hands on your belly and let your belly breathe. See if you can extend your exhalations to be longer than your inhalations. Again, only if that is comfortable.
Walks in nature I find grounding. Onetime a spoonful of peanut butter deflated my anxiety. Its like all my thoughts were slowed by the glue in my mouth.
Other physical things: try rubbing your knees. Some can find this pretty soothing. Also, sometimes pulling the skin on your forehead gently down can help soothe the nerves.
Some of those can be fairly subtle. If I feel like I need bigger movements I do a Qi Gong movement where I pretend there are two bells above my head, one to each side, and ring the bells with the palm of my hands, moving from side to side. Its almost like you are intermittently high fiving someone to each side of you.
And always remember that you are awesome.
(15,568 posts)I thought maybe my jaw would calm down. When i bite down i get worse ear ringing on the right where he pushed it harder
(68 posts)I'm sorry you are in this situation. In regard to the data breach worry, this helped me. I played out in my mind the steps of a worst case scenario of identity theft. What would likely happen, what I would have to do and how it would affect me. I had frozen my credit, which was really the only proactive thing I could do, short of paying for credit monitoring. I remind myself that identity theft is a real possibility, but in most situations that I'm familiar with, companies have policies that help victims. The horror story situations aren't the norm and I can get through it.
I agree with the other posters regarding exercise. Taking a walk always helps my sense of well-being. I wish I could help, but I care and continue to pray for you.
(15,568 posts)At 59 i feel so defeated. I did everything to keep my info off the dark web, and some company i never heard of let it be hacked.
Everything was going great with my jaw treatment and he pushed back on my jaw for no good reason and 32k later I'm getting pain and ear problems. I felt hopeful the tmj was being dealt with successfully . Their now treating me like a neurotic nut and covering their asses.
Some days i feel like i just can't go on. My beloved shrink is retiring soon. When i exposed sorrow, my "partner" yelled at me HES JUST ANOTHER DR! and was a prick while I was crying. My sister weighed in and piled on to me. Only my therapist acknowledged its a another loss in my life.