Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumIts always great when your partner
Is 100% percent not behind you. Its my fault the dentist jammed my jaw back, undoing 12 mos of progress leaving me in pain. Bc YOU CHOSE TO GO FOR TREATMENT.
I've told this fucker to get out many times. Hell reply thats always your threat. I said we're not married, there's no reason to be together. Hell, there's no reason to be together if we're married.
I said its obvious we hate each other. Now I want to move out of this state to a specific area, and he's balking and wants 2 hrs north of there.
I now attempt to ignore him and let him pay the bills. This has to end somehow. I get zero support, my emotions are invalidated and dismissed constantly. I don't want to become homeless and want to finish my dental work. I don't know how much more i can stand. I'm a good person and deserve so much better.

Dennis Donovan
(29,637 posts)...but you have us at DU. I wish it were more, but it's better than nothing! 💖
(15,568 posts)
(9,614 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,568 posts)You wouldn't believe what hysterics he's driven me to. I've told him i hate your guts, i wish you'd die etc AND HE WONT LEAVE. Of course i deserve better. He has a record, abuses his RXes, steals mine is obnoxious. Yet he'll never leave no matter what. Hes a stinky repulsive smoker who looks like a bum.
(8,092 posts)I know that is easy to say and I don't mean to hurt you, I'm sure people have told you that.
I feel so awful for you.
(15,568 posts)I have to finish this ducked up dental work. I sometimes think you're 72... smoker... drinker...snorter of opioids... how much longer can this go on? I can't open my mouth wo being loudly interrupted... I'm always wrong, stupid, my feelings mean nothing. I've been telling this pos to stop interrupting me for decades. He has some precancerous esophagus issue he'll try to scare me with and I'm just ahhhhh.... whatever shit happens dude. ETA, according to him, booze is fine for barrett esophagus. Back when I cared, I mildly kinda almost expressed concern about drinking a gallon of wine in 5 hrs...knowing Id get an explosive response, which I did...once he slugged so much wine down so quickly he ended up falling all over the floor...knocking all his unused musical equipment over...he fancies himself a musician...