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Sitting here watching Naked and Afraid, wondering how everyone is doing today? I'm okay. Hoping all is okay

(72,525 posts)No, its not about the news or anything in particular. It likes to pop up at random times and tells me the sabertooth tiger is coming.
(15,568 posts)I took a Xanax. Anxiety is just awful, esp GAD. Here's a hug
Itll be okay. Hang in there know youre not alone
(27,461 posts)I'd been feeling better than usual but the anxiety came crashing back, today. I'm going to take a chill pill, crawl in to bed and snuggle with the kidcats.
(15,568 posts)I know, anxiety can come flying out of left field sometimes. Hanging out with the kittens sounds like a plan!
(5,358 posts)Anxiety and depression has been through the roof. Dealing with a lot right now and feeling very lost.
(15,568 posts)It can be really really tough sometimes. Take a deep breath. You got this. Please take care of yourself
(1,411 posts)Even a little sunshine can bump up overall mood...
(5,358 posts)even thinking of going outside makes me start to panic. I'm stuck, in more ways than one. Thank goodness for the internet. It's how I stop my thoughts from spiraling.
(8,092 posts)One of the things that pissed me off is done. I should feel better.
If I complain I sound whiney as what is pissing me off has to be done by me. No one else is available which is why I'm it. And I would feel worse if I didn't do it.
Ok what does that mean?
(15,568 posts)And pissed-offedness. Hope yours is waning and you get back on an even keel
Life can be anger inducing!
(38,623 posts)
(15,568 posts)My latest health worry is Mr X having a tooth cyst biopsied. Health anxiety is terrible. I hope you're okay and things go well tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.
(38,623 posts)Good luck on that test for Mr. X
(15,568 posts)I always have this feeling of doom, especially after dark
(38,623 posts)She wants me to do some more bloodwork in three months but I feel much better, so thanks for your interest. It really means a lot
(15,568 posts)What a relief
(1,411 posts)Back to normal levels of hypervigilance anxiety
and depression
etc. which is manageable with MM. Life can be pretty damaging.
Been watching Love, Robot + Death on Netflix which is perversely calming if dystopian imagery helps put your mind at ease. Some of the dialog has razor sharp wit. It is just wayyyyyyyy dark. Balance that out with some Young Sheldon and the world seems brighter.
(15,568 posts)Of something bad is going to happen? I also have anxiety
(1,411 posts)That's just how it goes sometimes.
(15,568 posts)limbicnuminousity
(1,411 posts)The only things I've found to genuinely help are meditation, benzodiazepines, or heavy indica marijuana strains. And benzodiazepines aren't particularly good for long term use.
(15,568 posts)I also take benzos, which do help. If i take the anti depressent early, like b4 dusk, i fall asleep at 6 pm. I just started, so maybe it will.
(1,411 posts)If it helps you sleep better that's something at least.
(2 posts)Had to buy a TV, went to wally, and lost my email address ,
I do believe the TV I bought, was original TV, in the bedroom, has YouTube, and all my apps, still on it.this new TV, in living room,
Just starts up.
I'm Koz, by the way,
Maybe I'm dying