Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumI read a post in the Lounge about what nice things parents have said to posters. One post triggered me. I came from
Last edited Sun Dec 3, 2023, 11:04 PM - Edit history (1)
a very abusive family. I was very smart, creative and hardworking. I was never told that by my parents. At the end of September my father died. I called him every week to see how he was. The house stinks terribly from 30 cats and a dog peeing and pooping all over. I felt bad that he is gone, but I don't feel the grief.This is the man who punched in the mouth knocking my baby teeth out, put a hunting riffle to my head and said he was going to blow my brains out, etc,etc. At the funeral, I made a picture board for him and had the funeral director put my rosary beads in his hands. At the funeral visitation, my mother and sister were talking to a group of relatives about how my father and myself have the same type of nose--like a Jew nose, my sister also chimed in about my Jewish nose. The relatives all started to laugh. I was disgusted and went outside for a walk. The falling day, my mother starts screaming for me to take my rosary out.I tried to but his hands were stiff and I couldn't get them out. Mother continued to scream. I asked my husband to do it for me. I am so angry at my Mother and Sister. knowing how they treated my dad.I have finally taken words of wisdom for my doctor and posters here to go no contact with my family. I saw a neurologist in October and must have scans done on my skull.spine and legs. She never called to see how the tests went. I have posted under the topic of Useful Idiot about how she used my sister's cancer to garnish 1000 from the staff where my sister works. I told them she should donate to the Magee Women's Hospital. Answer was no. Even though my spine and legs hurt, I sat there for a 5 hour procedure(which I also had when I was 32) and the 12 hour Hysterectomy After the scope, I had a can of pop thrown at me and cookies I tried to feed my sister spit at me. Mother said nothing. I wanted to print some of my words of wisdom and encouragement from my mother and father which is slightly different then what is posted in the lounge. I envy them. I am not mad at the posters Here are a few
"You pimple faced whore" said by brother many times in front of my parents
"Close the windows, the neighbors don't need to hear her crying" as my brother sat on my chest punching me in the face
"What do you want me to do about it: when I told my mother I had reach menopause at 32 and would never have a child.
" He is a bastard" Mother in reference to my adopted son
"I shit you out, not the other way around" when I asked my mother to apologize for the above remarks she made about him

(2,067 posts)Holding you in my heart. I had lots of abuse as well, but different.
I remember my mom, when we were shopping for clothes (she wanted me to go with her sometimes, I never knew why) turned around and, for no reason, told me she could slap me in front of everyone there. I didn't doubt that she would.
What they did to you had nothing to do with you. Nothing was your fault. I'm glad you're not having anything to do with them. I cut my own family off for nearly 10 years.
Sending you lots of love.
(43,476 posts)"she peculiar" Grandmother sticking her finger up my vagina, when she gave me a bath every Satuday night.
(2,067 posts)please don't feel guilty about cutting them off! Tell them why when you do it! Let them know, then cut them off!
Especially that nasty 'grandmother'. My Goddess, that's just horrible!
When I finally let a few of them back in, I let them know what exactly their roles were in what happened. They hung their heads and tried to make up for their actions and words. I let them back in, with conditions. I answer them when and if I want to. I forgive them (that's for me) and now have a relationship with 4 of the 5 remaining siblings. It took 4 deaths in our family for this to happen, really. Kindness is all that really matters.
(43,476 posts)didn't want any gifts. So I sent a card with 1OO dollars and was told. I was acting the holy, holy, so know they would have to send me a card with money. Also she gaslights to the point I don't know if I am coming or going. I am so tired of have been thinking nothing will get better and if wasn't for my husband, and son and Dolly dog. I would take something to end it. But then I put it out of my mind.
(1,584 posts)Remember, You did not make this happen, it is not your fault, You can't fix it, You can only control yourself, You do not own their problems, they do. Put your own oxygen mask on first, take care of yourself first, step back and do deep breathing. I think you are Amazing!
(2,067 posts)My Z (hubby), one of my daughters, our son in law, and two grandchildren were here for Thanksgiving. Not sure about Christmas. I'm basically anti religion (see all of the harm it does) but it'll be something similar.
I'm the 7th of 8 children, and don't speak really with my one surviving brother - I won't have anything to do with anyone who likes Trump or is fervently anti-abortion or some such nonsense. I wouldn't speak with them for almost a decade - well I did speak with two of them a tiny bit, but they're the only ones who stood up for me when I was attacked by the rest. Family dynamics can be weird. I'm just glad I broke the cycle and never abused my children in any way.
I would just not have anything to do with your family. But that's the way I am. Quintuple Scorpio here - when I am hurt/angry I cut people out very easily. Very easy not to look back.
I thought about suicide for years and years and was finally hospitalized for it. Family trauma. I was diagnosed with Major Depression, and childhood PTSD. I'm doing much better - grateful for my Z as he was a mental health specialist for 30 years. How else could he deal with me?
Sending you all of my love,
(124,923 posts)debm55
(43,476 posts)applegrove
(124,923 posts)badhair77
(4,786 posts)As an earlier poster said, it wasnt your fault. You were a child and it sounds as if the family hasnt progressed much since then. Im no health care professional and cant give you any advice on that level, but I have had my share of abuse. Please promise youll make yourself and your self-care your priority. Please do whatever it takes to protect yourself, and if that means putting time and space from them so be it. I hope you can wrap yourself in the warmth of your immediate family for protection. And you always have your DU family.
(43,476 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,215 posts)You sound like such a good person, you dont deserve any of the abuse you got and Im sorry it had to happen to you. Its a credit to your strength and emotional maturity that youre doing as well as you are.
Please know we all love and support you here.
I didnt have the greatest childhood memories of Christmas either or any other time when I became an adult. When my father passed away we were not on speaking terms and that always bothers me. And my mother said many strange and mean things to me and it was only until after she was gone that I understood it was from dementia but at the time I didnt understand and it felt very hurtful. When I got married and walked down the aisle everyone turned around to look at me except my mother, she sat with her back to me staring straight ahead still as a stone. Many years later I asked her why she couldnt be happy for me on my wedding day and she replied she didnt know why, she just couldnt. I always envied people who had parents who were their biggest supporters and cheerleaders and best friends. I guess those of us who didnt have survived in spite of it, but gosh dont the holidays trigger us. I think you did the right thing cutting them out of your life. Just my two cents. Hugs to you.
(43,476 posts)Hannukah were days off from the abuse.
(11,261 posts)Decades later, I learned this:
Love yourself and protect yourself. Ask yourself this- Where are you, who are you with and what are you doing when you feel the safest and most contented?
Also ask yourself what situations and people trigger and re-traumatize you? Wherever possible, rid your life of this. This one step, however difficult, will enable you to feel power coming back to you.
I truly understand this type of pain. Its part of you, not all of you. Sending a hug.
(43,476 posts)
(21,261 posts)Being cruel emotionally and physically to a child is a crime against humanity. I hope you find some healing in talking about what has happened to you and peace going forward with your life. Make this new year Your new year. The gift for you and your husband and son is to make new traditions that have special meanings for only you and take a day trip to enjoy the time together. No explanation, no excuses and just no contact at all with those who have hurt you. Theres no guilt involved whatsoever on your part youre a survivor so celebrate that. 👍
(43,476 posts)Parents? How do I do that my own grandmother sticks her finger up my vagina and telling my mother many years later she tell me that her mother was peculiar. My grandmother sexually sexual abused me every f ken Saturday night. I didn't tell her until about 5 years ago when I told my doctor . I always thought it was some of ethnic thing. And It hurt and when I would go to the doctor no one asked any questions. When I had broken bones, ER asked no questions. when I was 22 with my would be husband trying to break down the door, my sister tore my muscle in my throat and no one asked me how just gave me a neck brace. And the idiot I am I still tuitored her so she could graduate from HS. I am an ass.
(21,261 posts)Own it and make sure you will never again be used and abused. Getting this pain out in the open is supposed to be good for moving forward but theres a time to let it go. I am not a professional and only have my own life experience to go on. Let it go so positive actions can replace the negative. When I was very young, someone who cared about me took me aside and said..doesnt it hurt hitting your head on that brick wall all the time? Do you think this time things will be different and why this time and not yesterday? You know, it did hurt and when I decided to change my direction, I had a whole new opinion about myself and the situation I was in. Its not all easy and instantaneous..its effort and you can do it to change your life. ((Hugs))
(35,076 posts)That says a lot about you and how you turned out after the hell you survived.
(39,379 posts)I admire people like you and my mom who somehow managed to break free, refusing to pass along whatever abuse and neglect they suffered as children.
My mom wasn't an outstanding parent, she didn't really know how, but she did not raise me and my siblings in the manner she had been raised. She was always there for us and we were never forced as children to "be the adults" in our family as a consequence of our parents' failures. The buck stopped with them.
My grandma was a Holy Terror of the Wild West who eventually had to be removed from the home she owned as a danger to herself and others.
Half her neighbors loved the little old lady, half were terrified of her. She was handy with guns and knives and her tongue was sharp enough to kill.
The worst Thanksgiving holiday of my life, the one that led to a bad car wreck, me being "asked" to take a time out from school and far worse, began with my grandma. She was living with my parents at the time because no "assisted living place" would keep her and it would have been wrong to smother her with a pillow.
In retrospect, examining my own scars, I can sorta figure out why my grandma and my mom turned out the way they did, but it ain't always easy. I'm intensely aware that I'm a quarter of my grandma.