Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumI made a post in general, and deleted it
Honestly, I should have posted it here,
My Mother, called me yesterday, I was on phone with Medicaid about issues with LilBit, I called her back when I got done.
A ring and a click. Hmm So I send her an email, is your phone ok? Are you ok?
And she sayswhy didnt you just walk away all those years ago (19) and none of us would have to know her?(LilBit)
I said Mom! Please, and she hung up
Im sorry, I love LilBit. Knew my brothers didnt, but my Mother. Right before Christmas.
Im drinking, LilBit is fine. I hate Christmas. I have one slinky to give her. I pray she knows the chaos I deal with that I will never allow her here.
The facade I do,because,
Ill walk away from my Mother, before her.
This is gonna sound crude. I know.

(138,729 posts)

(17,517 posts)Response to kozar (Original post)
Tetrachloride This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Tetrachloride (Reply #3)
kozar This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to kozar (Original post)
kozar This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,966 posts)I just hope '23 turns out better for you.
(4,128 posts)For those that don't know, Kozar is a recent Widower with a special needs daughter. He is dealing with all the issues anyone with health issues or serious disability have to endure here in the supposedly greatest country. Kozar needed emotional support from that call not some hairbrained hate that he should have abandoned his own daughter and wife. Whew Kozar, have a virtual hug. Please take care.
(3,724 posts)and that is not her right, saying things like that. She should be supporting you and not tearing you down. My own mother got angrier and more hateful as she aged, so I know a little about the pain she caused you. Sometimes people don't realize the pain that mere words can inflict.
Please know you have supportive friends here who send you only love and caring words.
Take Care and more hugs to you and LilBit.
(14,663 posts)just to function and stay sane. I see it as putting them on a shelf in the closet for recovery later but it's never easy, especially when I'm pissed off or hurt.
Much like I had to put all religion and some old friends on the shelf while I was early in alcoholism recovery so I could keep the focus on me. They can be picked back up later when and if it's safe to do so.
Happy holidays to you and LilBit from Kentucky!
(3,029 posts)Same reply to both. Dad passed on Vets day. She is grieving. And realizing what LilBit and I went through.
And she is running to my brothers,who ignored LilBit. it is her right to grieve how she needs to.
Yes , she is being mean right now, but I know what its like to lose a spouse. Thats I posted here, she would never read this site.
Merry Christmas from KozandLilBit
(6,675 posts)because the people in her family are so superior to other humans. She cannot believe that my genes are as good as hers. Therefore it must be my fault. I hardly speak to her, though my husband is quite close to her.
Ps my IQ is probably as high or higher than hers. Some people are crazy about handicapped kids. Fortunately we live in an area that accepts mentally handicapped children really well.