Exercise and Fitness
Related: About this forumShoulder pain. It feels 20 times better when I hang
from a bar. I feel like I'm in heaven I'm so relieved from the shoulder pain.
Is that weird? It seems to stretch out my right shoulder which drives me crazy with pain on occasion. The only thing that previously helped was cortisone shots. I have to wonder why that is and what I can do to continue it feeling better.

mark eagledove
(76 posts)it helped a lot. woke up Friday with an excruciating crick in my neck. sounds like we could both use a good Physical Therapist.
(39,961 posts)I was in a bad car accident, and my shoulder can hurt like death. I'm pretty fit, but damn.
mark eagledove
(76 posts)Mine was killing me so bad a few weeks ago I was desperate. I do bone scans all day and knew this could be painful but man o man! A doctor told me "take heart, it will only get worse".
(39,961 posts)sounds about right. I was just stunned that I found something other than cortisone shots that helped.
(3,163 posts)It's called "giant cell arteritis" and it normally affects the carotids, causing jaw and/or head pain, but it can affect arteries which manifest in the shoulders. Steroids alleviate it, but they have to be administered for a fairly long period to cure it. A blood test will tell whether or not you have it, and is the only definitive diagnosis.
(39,961 posts)and a long standing issue in one particular shoulder. Thank you for you input, though . I have most certainly contacted my doctor, since he is the one that shoots it up with cortisone when it flares up.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Hanging is the neutral position of the shoulder.
I dramatically improved my shoulder pain by following the directions at Kirshshoulder.com after a year and a half of other rehab that did not work.
Check it out and tell your friends! Best of luck! PM me if you want to chat more about it.
(39,961 posts)and encourage people that can't use this type of therapy, but for me personally, it feels a hundred times better. I have no idea why the technique works, it just does for me.
I just accidentally stumbled on a way to help my shoulder pain. I advocate nothing, just telling my story, so to speak.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)a surgeon explains the science behind why this works complete with amazing photos. I have had great results with it and have clients that also report very good results. It may not be the answer for everyone in terms of injury rehab, but it is worth looking into by most everyone esp if the are not injured to prevent injury. Hanging is the neutral position of the shoulder as the photos show.
(39,961 posts)because dangling off the porch was getting dangerous.
And hanging off of the top of doors was also getting dangerous.
(9,527 posts)Most of us don't have nearly the range of motion in our shoulders that we need. I'm bad, but getting better at it.
It is also good for working the muscles in the upper back and decompressing the spine.
(39,961 posts)Melissa G
(10,170 posts)for my office. I have a really fancy toy called an omni gym that I splurged on when my last kid moved out. http://www.omni-gym.com/product5.html
Yeah.. it's a bit of overkill, but really fun! The best part of hanging is that it is good for you and free!!!
(39,961 posts)but once I got it put together, it rocks!
I can hold onto the forward grips and do leg lifts to my heart's content. I'll have some abs for days with this.
Can't figure out how to manage pullups, but I think that is because an armoire blocks the door on one side and I don't really have another location.
Still, hanging on the grips feels fantastic - my spine hasn't been this loose, strong and pain-free in years!
(7,220 posts)Crossing my fingers!!
(14,180 posts)I know someone who has this. The only thing that helped him was removal of the tissue buildup. If the exercises are working for you, great -- but maybe an orthopedist should look at it.
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