So tired of being in pain
I just need to whine.....I try not to make it a habit but right now I'm just weary from living in pain. 43 years of pain and I'm damn sick and tired of it.
I was diagnosed with fibrositis 35 years ago (after already being in pain for 8 years) is now known as fibromyalgia. Right now nothing is working for the pain and I just hurt all over. Add to that rods and screws in my back and a disintegrated vertebrae in my neck and well, you get the picture. Oh, let's not forget the cyst that popped up in my left sacroiliac joint.
This sucks.
Okay, that's my couple of minutes of whining that I allow myself every now and then. I don't know why I bother to whine as it doesn't make me feel better and it always makes me feel like a wimp.

(153,134 posts)That's why.
And I'm so sorry to hear this...
(9,314 posts)All of the storms around here have not helped my pain level. I need to be working - I have an online job and I just haven't been able to sit in this chair for long.
(2 posts)Yeah, its OK to vent sometimes so you can get a bigger perspective.
(3,908 posts)Sometimes you just got to let off a little rant to keep from screaming and scarring the children and the neighbors (been there done that). Sometimes the scream comes out sideways in the form of another health problem or behavior problem you don't need (been there done that.)
Thoughts of light and love and peace heading your way so you can make it through another day.
(17,258 posts)I'm so sorry that you're in pain. I just cannot imagine ...
Please don't feel like a wimp!
I have known a few people with Fibromyalgia and I am always amazed at their coping ability.
I hope today is a bit better for you.
(9,314 posts)hopefully today will be a better day.
(72,174 posts)what r u taking? lyrica has helped me a ton.
(9,314 posts)sometimes and about once every week or even sometimes 2 weeks, a 5 mg valium. I don't do well on medications which is why I haven't tried Lyrica or anything else. I used to take some Elavil at night but started having a bad reaction to it. Narcotic pain pills do nothing for me but make me nauseous. I can't take SSRI's which is what many docs want to prescribe for fibromyalgia and I hate them and just don't do well on them. I do take magnesium, vitamin d, potassium and vitamin e.
So, basically, most of the time I just tough it out.
And of course, living in Virginia the chances of ever having medical marijuana available is zero to none.
I hurt all night last night and woke up hurting a number of times - worse than usual.
(72,174 posts)cymbalta has also helped me. it made me a little anxious at first, but i adjusted quickly. you just have to keep trying.
don't give up.
(9,314 posts)I wish I could try other things but the SSRIs all cause me to not be able to urinate.....a habit I find I can't do without. I don't like trips to the emergency room to be catheterized so SSRIs are out of the question for me.
I need to get the new top for my hot tub so I can use it. It helps some.
(21,438 posts)I know exactly how you feel.
I've been living in chronic pain since 1984.
Hang in there is about all I can say and please know that you are not alone.
It is said that people that live in pain are experiencing the pain of the earth. Perhaps that is true, I do not know.
What I do know is that living in pain sucks and ruins your life nicely.
(9,314 posts)in pain. It sucks. Thanks for your reply.
Today I don't feel whiny about it, I feel pissed off.
suck. I'm so sick of the pain and this hot, humid and rainy weather we've been having here doesn't seem to help either.
We have storms now every day and my body doesn't handle this up and down weather stuff very well.
Feel better!
I hope you feel better too. I hope everyone who has to endure this ongoing pain can find some kind of relief !!
(114,904 posts)I can't imagine 43 years. For me it's been 10 months. I see downthread you take Ibuprophen. What about something stronger. I take percocet and when that doesn't make it ease off enough, I take morphine even though I hate the crap because it makes me so nauseous.
And talking about it is NOT whining.
I hope you find some relief soon.
(9,314 posts)I hope you, too, are feeling better soon.
I don't do well on narcotic pain medicine. They all make me nauseous and I'm actually allergic to a number of them.
(548 posts)Google it...coconut oil - drinking it - is the go to natural cure for fibromyalgia!
(9,314 posts)Last edited Thu Aug 2, 2012, 03:50 AM - Edit history (1)
Ughhhhhhhhhh.....I tried putting it in hot tea and it was pretty nasty but I will revisit it and try it again. I do have some on hand.
(1,995 posts)coconut water? I wonder if that might work?
(9,314 posts)I'll check it out.
do you get coconut oil and how much do you use?
(3,344 posts)Sometime you have to get it out and it does not make you a wimp. I am always thankful for groups like this one. Sometimes just reading what others say helps. I find that if I say anything to family and friends they sometimes start to worry too much. It is what it is and the pain doesn't stop.
(9,314 posts)Chronic pain is exhausting.
(1,995 posts)exhausting. Friends and family members get tired of hearing about it so I try to keep it to myself, which is really hard..I feel so isolated sometimes.... so having this place to come "vent" is a relief !
(11,119 posts)If you've tried everything else, hypnosis might be just what you need........
It wouldn't hurt (no pun intended) to look into it - I used hypnosis to quit smoking but there are many other uses for hypnosis as well.
(9,314 posts)or even heard that hypnosis could be used for pain management. I wouldn't laugh at someone trying to help me.
I'll check into it.
(6,476 posts)You're not whining, not at all. I know how you feel. At one time, not too long ago, I had pain that just kept getting worse with nothing helping until I had an operation. Then I felt like I had arthritis or a bad flu all the time...aches, pains, general feeling of illness, fuzzy brain, head ache etc. I ended up with something completely new and horrible as well as painful. That's when I found out I was intolerant to gluten and casine. After learning how to live and eat without these ingredients my symptoms improved..I could hardly believe it. Now I have very low grade pain compared to what I had for years. Have you tried eliminating gluten from your diet for a couple of weeks? I know there is a lot of talk about it being a fad but I'm here to tell you it's real.
I hope you find some relief soon.
(814 posts)but eliminating gluten for just 2 weeks isn't enough time to get it out of your system, it took me nearly 6 months, during which time I was genetically tested and was positive for 2 of the known gluten sensitive genes. I was told I had RA, fibromyalgia, and several other autoimmune diseases. Lived in pain for almost 15 years and all of it is gone now that I'm 3 years gluten free.
(548 posts)Google these terms, you will find tons of info. Iodine insufficiency is likely at the root of these issues.
(9,314 posts)of taking the Lugol's Iodine. Supposedly it is not for internal use. I do have some Atomodine I could take.
I'll try the coconut oil. I appreciate your response.
(24,008 posts)They were here today and we talked about pain medication and cough syrup. I have several severe medical conditions that warrant me taking pain medication.
I take narcos 3x day and tramadol 3x a day and very strong cough syrup.
even with all of this, there is always break through pain that I just have to grin and bear.
(9,314 posts)have to live in pain. Here's hoping for better days for all those in pain.
(24,008 posts)Last year I was in hospice and I was taking liquid morphine, fentanyl patches and loritab. I about lost my ever loving mind on all those drugs and it just about killed me then. I was in what was called a "stupor" and I was not waking up, but I was not in a coma. My hospice Dr. came to the house and told my family I may never wake up and that I was at the stage of death.
Since I left hospice and dropped all those strong medications, I have improved dramatically. This has been my best year in 5 years and that is saying something because I was not supposed to even live that long.
(9,314 posts)I hope you continue to do so. I applaud your strength and tenacity.
I was on a lot of medication at one point and it was ruining my life. The pain sucks but at least I feel like I have a life since I got off the medications.
If you ever need a shoulder feel free to private message.
(24,008 posts)please pm me. Sometimes just talking it out with someone who understands, who can also offer information is so helpful. I will take you up on your offer, and feel like I made another friend here at DU
(9,314 posts)
(9,314 posts)in my hot tea and coffee last night.
We'll see if that helps at all.
(6,476 posts)My own story of pain has improved again. I've gone Primal and don't eat any gluten, dairy (other than ghee) or beans and legumes...I know that sounds like there's nothing left but you'd be wrong. There is a lot of food to eat. I now don't take ANY pain medication, not even to get to sleep. Also, I sleep well without interruption. I haven't done that for years.
Just a thought. So if your interested check out Marks Daily Apple for information. I could send you some good threads to read if you're interested.
I hope you're feeling better, it isn't fun being so sick.
(9,314 posts)I hate beans and legumes. I'm not a big vegetable lover either.
(6,476 posts)Google Paleo diet. It has worked wonders for me and the website I posted is a good place for information.
(9,314 posts)I'll check it out.