Has anyone here had compression fractures
in their spine? This is the third time for me, and now I have two of them at once. The first two times, I went about my business. This time, I can barely leave the couch. I can't drive, cook, clean, or do my usual activities, including my GOTV and other activist events. This has been going on since the third week of December.
I am thinking about having the surgery to fill in the cracks with a cement-like material. It is supposed to be easy and minimally invasive. The pain is getting better, but it is still excruciating.

Basic LA
(2,047 posts)They've gotten a bad rap lately & doctors are loathe to prescribe them. But in your situation, taken as prescribed, they're safe and effective and necessary. Best wishes through this terrible time.
(15,568 posts)
(454 posts)it sucks- I have ehlers danlos cl/tnxb - I can expect more. I can't take prescriptions, either.
(31,745 posts)ShepKat
(454 posts)could be worse, and has been. Movement is conscious, heaven help me if it isn't