Really??? Medical people sometimes make me want to slap them
I have Crohn's Disease. That is why I have all kinds of tests.
This morning, I had a small bowel follow-through to see if I have a fistula or fissure or what ever.
So, I have to drink 4 glasses of barium crap
They do a 2 hour procedure ugg and cause quite a bit of pain
After it is over, the x-ray tech says Barium causes constipation so we are going to give you a laxative...really on a crohn's patient..
I politely declined and BARELY made it home before the barium was out of my body. Jeesh

(113,131 posts)with a blocked, necrotic bowel. That doesn't apply to Crohn's patients in active flares, for them we usually made it optional. Most wisely declined. A few wanted the insurance.
There was a method to their madness. Barium turns to stone if you don't get rid of it within a day or two.
(31,997 posts)it was nasty!!!
(36,286 posts)Who knows our conditions better than ourselves?
(19 posts)I have Crohn's too. HOW can it be that medical people are so uninformed? How many doctors for how many years told me it was all in my head? What about the one who told me I obviously had gonorrhea? No question...I had to insist on a test. I didn't have that. But he still didn't bother to test for what I did have.
And now they still don't get it. They don't understand that I go all the time. They don't seem to have any idea. It makes you wonder about your care, doesn't it?
I remember my first colonoscopy...I was in hospital at the time. They did 13 - THIRTEEN - enemas the night before. I, personally, think that was cruel and unusual.
(695 posts)I was in the hospital for diareha (so?) and the nurse came in with this laxative to drink. I hadn't had anything to eat in 24 best and I was still having the runs. I flare out refused that he contacted the specialist who sided with me. I was told after the colonoscpopy that I had a very clear colon.
(10,730 posts)Who are real assholes. Seems to me the worst jerks were male military docs. Very patronizing to women and not very interested in actually working to help patients, especially females. My DH is retiring this year and I am looking forward to the switch to civilian health care. 90% of the military docs have been super but that other 10%.....shudder.