This is the review I just left for CVS.
(I don't know if I should take this issue further. I believe that they way I was treated at CVS was terrible and I have already chosen a different pharmacy to use)
I use a pseudonym for my Google account so people don't know my real name - for good reason.
I take a controlled medication for pain and I have taken this same prescription and the same dosage for years. In May I was finally able to go on a month long trip to Europe that had been on hold since Covid happened. My doctor wrote a prescription for 2 months with the explanation that I needed that much because I would be away when the second script needed to be filled. I was told that they could not fill the script that way. So I went back to the doctor to get a separate script and brought it back. The next pharmacist then said the doctor had to call them. I told the doctor and they called. When I went back and the first pharmacist said I had to have my insurance company call. So I told them I would just pay cash, (it is not an expensive drug) and she said it didn't matter; the insurance company had to call anyway.
At that point I seriously thought I was going to lose the chance to go on my dream vacation because these pharmacists were on some power grab. I began crying after the final, "Now the insurance company has to call" assault. (Even if you are not going to use insurance - Seriously?) They finally filled the medication and I am now back from my wonderful vacation.
The point I would like to make I am certain that none of this was out of concern for my welfare. Because if they were actually concerned for my welfare they would have called my doctor. But they didn't. They just kept making up new "rules" as they harassed me and sent me on more wild goose chases. They know nothing of my medical history or my medical diagnoses. They are not doctors. They are not nurses or even nurse's assistants. If they are not happy in their jobs they can get different jobs but abusing the customer as a way to make up for their personal unhappiness is immature, petty and very unprofessional.
EDIT: I want to add that my relative is a physician in a physical rehab and deals with chronic pain conditions. She told me what I already know to be true; that even many pain management doctors treat people on controlled substance pain medication poorly. Apparently the bad ones who just pushed pills made it hard to get into that particular specialty, (Pain Management) and the ones who are left know that their patients depend on them just to be able to exist without excruciating pain so some don't try to "keep" their patients as their patients aren't going anywhere and they know it.
My friend took care of her cousin who died of cancer and was in a lot of pain. She told me the pharmacists treated her cousin the same way these pharmacists treated me, (this is not my first instance of being looked at like you are a second class citizen when going to fill a prescription)

(19,345 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,134 posts)I am glad you were able to get the medication you need so that you could travel to Europe.
It is unconscionable that CVS would treat you so shamefully. You were treated abusively and I hope your new pharmacy will treat you as the responsible customer that you obviously are.
(23,213 posts)I'm crying now because I never really looked at it as being abused. I guess I just need to cry it out.
I know I am not the only one.
(27,430 posts)the pharmacy I use calls the doctor themselves.
(23,213 posts)change to. Although CVS has called for refills for me now that I think about it.
I think it is a whole different ball game when you get into controlled substances.
(27,430 posts)The downside to it is that it's not opened weekends.
And none of my prescriptions are controlled substances.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)and that you were able to go on your trip with sufficient meds.
Our medical system is terrible.
(36,517 posts)doctor -- I've been going to him since 1994 -- and am always treated with respect. When I moved, I transferred by scripts to the local Walgreens. The previous pharmacists were awesome so it's not a corporate thing, but these people treated me like I was a junkie. It was dehumanizing, actually. They made me jump through hoops almost every month. It was always something. I got sick of it very quickly and transferred all of my scrips to a local hospital pharmacy that is in a professional building a block from my house.
I understand your frustration and I'm glad you found another pharmacy. I thought of filing a complaint but I just didn't have the energy at the time. I kind of regret it now. Willful ignorance about chronic pain on the part of medical professionals is unacceptable.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,670 posts)a "drug seeker" and that you were not abusing your scrip
B. This is what happens when an immature society overreacts to a pain medication problem, people SUFFER needlessly
C. I am close to this issue, without going into details, what I will say is I am SCARED shitless that if I ever actually NEEDED a strong painkiller, could I get one?
In America we deal with drugs and BOOBS the same way...whether it is having a national freakout over a bare breast on Super Bowl Sunday or this.
(15,568 posts)And getting and filling his Rxes is a nightmare and it makes me so angry
(10,588 posts)I have said before because of some small county in wv being pill pushers the rest of us old people with severe pain are made to suffer
Its your representative, senator and president, you should be calling
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)questionseverything
(10,588 posts)It all began as federal policy
(11,848 posts)I dont know how many stories Ive seen about the DEADLY OPIOID EPIDEMIC!!!
Jackass junkies like Rush Limbaugh helped ruin sensible pain management for the rest of us.
(15,804 posts)As well as states and insurance companies. Every time I want to get a prescription for headache med filled, pharmacy (even though dr. has okayed refills) has to get okay from Dr. and insurance. Didnt used to be that way. If I had refills left, they would fill it when I ordered it. Seems like it changed this year.
Tadpole Raisin
(1,561 posts)I knew someone who needed a medication that required no substitutions due to an allergic reaction to the generic. The doctor wrote no substitutions below her name but because it wasnt ON the designated line but below it (Im sure it was easy to confuse this), they would not fill the prescription.
Yes the regulatory body can come down on pharmacies if they dont follow procedure but CVS takes it to the Nth degree.
I despise them.
Glad you got this rectified finally! Hope the vacation was everything you wanted.
(273 posts)My wife was treated the same way at a local Harris-Teeter pharmacy and was accused of Doctor shopping. Very embarrassing.
(1,402 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,517 posts)No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)She told me she has "to protect herself".
I am an octogenarian, never even smoked anything and she has my complete medical history in front of her.
Yet I have to pee in a cup when I go routinely every 4 months, and last time the nurse took my purse away from me before I went into the bathroom.
I'm still livid about it.
Meanwhile, people are walking around with AR-15s and open carry, but old granny here is the one to be watched and inconvenienced.
(17,517 posts)Maraya1969
(23,213 posts)I'm always good after the fact but I think I would ask her to take a pee test too because you need to "Protect yourself too". I mean she sounds like she is on drugs because she is very paranoid.
And the next time a nurse asks for your purse for you to go in to pee please tell them "No". They can come into the bathroom with you and watch instead. How do you know that nurse isn't going to grab some cash from your wallet?
I'd tell the nurse that I don't trust them with my valuables.
I'm getting to the point of wanting to turn the tables on these jerks and treat them like they can't be trusted. Let them see how it feels.
Of course the big problem with all of these great ideas about fighting back is the doctor can fire you.
(9,614 posts)if you were paying cash. Sounds as if those pharmacists were on some sort of power trip or were very poorly trained.
(7,794 posts)to put the pharmacist and the insurance between you and your doctor. My bets are that your problems hinge on language inserted by legislators in thrall with insurance and big pharma. Language which obfuscated the meaning of the regulation to the point that the original purpose is forgotten. Then someone excuses the resultant failure by calling it a problem of unintended circumstances. Clever, these weasels.