Cannabis for osteoarthritis pain
So my joints are a mess. Spinal fusions, total knee, ankle arthritis, I need a new hip. I was a power lifter who came close, but never quite turned pro. I also played football and karate for decades.
I hurt every day. I take Celebrex but its not enough. Marijuana is not legal in my state, but Delta 8 is. I ordered 60 gummies at 25 mg. I had never used cannabis before. I had heard they would relieve pain but not get you high.
Well, they were wrong. That shit had my head swirling for four hours. I felt like I was really drunk. No way I could function like that. So how do I take this stuff for relief without having the room spin?

(365 posts)Cut the gummies in 1/4 size, then experiment carefully, and take them AFTER a meal..... I had the same issue, as apparently I'm a VERY CHEAP drunk....
(1,037 posts)Go low, go slow. Try cutting those gummies in half or smaller until you find a comfortable amount.
(29,941 posts)katusha
(810 posts)∆8 is def to get you high in states where not legal.
it comes from legal CBD.
CBD has been shown to help osteoarthritis:
Some studies in animals suggest that CBD could help treat arthritis and relieve the associated inflammatory pain. For example:
A 2017 study found that CBD might be a safe and useful treatment option for joint pain associated with osteoarthritis.
A 2016 study found that the topical application of CBD had the potential to relieve pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.
A 2014 review of the existing body of research on animals concluded that CBD may be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis.
A 2011 study found that CBD helped reduce inflammatory pain in rats by affecting the way that pain receptors respond to stimuli.
However, to date, there is a lack of scientific evidence to prove conclusively that CBD is an effective arthritis treatment for humans.
A 2006 study found that a cannabis-based mouth spray called Sativex helped relieve arthritis pain. However, the cannabis plant extracts that the company uses to make the spray contain both CBD and THC.
(1,596 posts)But was not really the same as a marijuana high. If a marijuana high is 2-3 times more intense you can count me out. It sucked.
(6,797 posts)felt like I was drunk. I didn't like it . I tried it for back pain. I got high but it didn't touch the back pain.
(1,596 posts)It was not fun like being a bit buzzed. It was like that feeling you have right before you are puke drunk. I didnt enjoy it.
(47 posts)or even less and micro dose 2 or 3 times a day. I take a 4th about 3 hours before bed every night and it helps with sleep and pain the next day.
(6,797 posts)alfredo
(60,160 posts)That helps.
(8,920 posts)Phoenix61
(18,141 posts)THC interferes with the brain-pain signal system. CBD reduces inflammation. I dont know what delta 8 does.