CoVid-19 and Kidney Disease 21, 2021 7:00 AM PDT
Kidney Failure in COVID Survivors
WRITTEN BY: Tara Fernande
New findings indicate that individuals who survive COVID-19 infections, even mild ones, have a significantly elevated risk of developing severe kidney disease.
The study, led by Ziyad Al-Aly from the Washington University in St. Louis, saw researchers take a deep dive into the health data from over 1.7 million healthy and COVID-infected individuals from 2020 to 2021. Their analysis revealed that those infected with the coronavirus have an increased likelihood of later developing kidney damage. The study was published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
The clinical signs of kidney disfunction are notoriously tricky to spotpatients dont experience any pain or symptoms to suggest that their kidneys are impaired. Some estimates suggest 90 percent of people with kidney disease are not aware of their condition. Nevertheless, the consequences of chronic kidney disease are dire: it is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S.
According to Al-Aly, this research emphasizes the importance of paying close attention to kidney function in the aftermath of COVID-19. [snip]

(64,186 posts)I believe the graph he showed indicated 2 times the risk if not hospitalized & drastic increases for those hospitalized.
Ty for posting.
Might be good to cross post to general discussion to heighten awareness.
(4,633 posts)a shortage of dialysis units and transplants. And people who can't afford one or refuse the science will be dying from multi organ failure. Imagine saying - no transplant for me unless you can prove the organ came from an unvaccinated person who voted for Trump.
Don't laugh, I heard similar BS in the OR when I was still working.
(24,441 posts)I only have one kidney. This is not good news.
(16,953 posts)just recovered from my breakthrough infection. One more goddamn thing to worry about...
Response to Backseat Driver (Original post)
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