I have diabeties
And my appetite has been gone. For a few weeks. I force myself to eat . Does anyone know how to bring back my appetite?
Food is a big turn off. I end up eating it very slowly.
What can I do?

(7,080 posts)When were you diagnosed? What was your A1C? You will have to educate yourself by reading A LOT and go to see a diabetes educator. They can be very helpful - much more than your doc. My best to you as I know how difficult having diabetes is.
(13,028 posts)One day after eating I got extremely tired and seriously depressed crying the works .So
being so depressed and exhausted I went to bed. Laid there a long time. Othello kept sniffing my breath as I got more and more stupifed . I was semi consious I awoke and went back into a stupor. . My cat Othello saved my life. As I began drifting away again he started jumping on me with all four paws right on my chest. When I realized how hard it was to even wake up and respond to something that normally would make me yelp in pain, I figured out something was seriously wrong with me as this was no ordinary tired or depressed. I felt suicidal yet I had nothing in my life going that badly. It didn't add up. I called 911. Was diagnosed in the ER. Admitted to the stroke unit for a few days,and the fact I have mental illness I was stabilized and put on the psych unit.
There I was given a crash course in diabeties.
They helped my mental crisis and eventually I didn't need insulin. I was scared to have it in the house since killing yourself with it would be so easy.
Take metformin and glimperide.
Anyways my A1c is 5.12. I manage it really well. It's my 3rd year being diabetic..
But this appetite thing has got me worried.
(54,460 posts)when I was going through cancer recovery.
(25,963 posts)n/t
(54,460 posts)Jarqui
(10,593 posts)I'd check out this site:
You need to get something to measure your blood sugar.
It's unlikely that you stopped producing any insulin.
Therefore, more frequent smaller servings might help in the interim.
You need to resolve how badly diabetic you are: can diet and exercise control it? Or medication? Or insulin?
Learn the symptoms of high and low blood sugar
If symptoms are low, you might try a glass of fruit juice (fast sugar into your bloodstream)
if symptoms are high and you are able/comfortable, go for a walk to burn it off.
Worse than that, go to the hospital.
Come back here with questions.
(13,028 posts)4 times a day. Usually I keep it in the low hundreds to 80's.
(10,593 posts)If your readings are the roughly same, it might be something else.
If they're bouncing around or noticeably different, then the diabetes may be acting up.
Have you been having increased symptoms of high/low blood sugar?
Are you taking anything for it? Metformin? Insulin?
Do you have medical coverage?
As you probably know, blood tests can give the doctor some sense of the history on your blood sugar over the past three months or so.
Other blood tests would be able to cross check other vital readings in the bloodwork to cross check if something else is affecting you.
Chatting it over with the doctor would give them a chance to narrow and probe possibilities.
(13,028 posts)I was wondering if there was something at home I could do to help my appetite. I take my meds like I am told to do,check my bsl 4 times a day. And I pretty much eat a modified keto diet.
(4,261 posts)If at all possible. It may be a medical problem with your stomach. My stomach stopped emptying due to neuropathy, caused by my diabetes producing similar symptoms.
Not diagnosing you from afar by any means, just saying it may not be primarily bsg related and you should exclude gastrointestinal disorders.
Giod luck.