
God almighty what a mess I am.
I've had this happen to me before and its back again.
My feet/legs are so swollen that the compression socks I got today I had to fight to get them on.
I'm not going anywhere near an ER, believe me.
This is one painful bitch problem.
Does anyone else have this problem? If so what can one do for it?
It does not go well with the chronic UTIs and the MS.


(32,884 posts)They are still working. Can you get a doctor's order for the therapy?
btw - It is my understanding most doctors don't even know what lymphedema massage treatment is so you have to ask for it.
(97,978 posts)and her primary care should definitely be aware of the OPs situation
(97,978 posts)cause, such as removal of your lymph nodes, your primary care physician knows you best, and should be able to advise you accordingly
Obvious things like reducing salt intake, or elevating you legs should help, but you have to consult with your doctor IMHO
All the best
(13,303 posts)or you can find an urgent care doing telemedicine. What were you prescribed last time you had it. Tha same thing may work again.
(36,215 posts)I am so sorry you are having this horrible problem.
Have you recently had cancer surgery?
I had lymphedema in my right arm 12 years ago due to cancer surgery. I can attest to the pain, its a beast. I had to wear a compression sleeve and take antibiotics. Also I was sent for physical therapy where they put my arm in a machine that draws the fluid out, sort of massages it out. It was a slow, ongoing process, but finally it got better. I think after about 2 months? Give or take.
I hope you are in contact with a doctor or other professional who can help you. Hang in there... Ill keep good thoughts for you ...this is one heck of a time to have any kind of chronic health problem. I curse these dastardly Republicans and our complicated for profit healthcare system every day.
(21,435 posts)The last time this happened I had to wrap them in ace bandages which did no good at all.
A doctor in Hungary is the one that DX'd this problem and he said to wear compression socks.
These don't do much good either.
I need to keep them elevated and try some ice I guess.
It is so painful! That is the worst thing abt. it!
Thanks for the replies, will check into the idea of a massage therapist!
(15,805 posts)all the time.
Massage is also useful if you start at the foot and work up your calf. They have electric shiatsu massage devices that have all kinds of adjustable setting for strength and heat. I have a large one for my back and it really does help me feel a lot better.
There are intermittent air pressure boots that squeeze your legs like a massage and they can really help. Go browse around Amazon, all different price points, but you can see how they work and read the reviews.
If you think they might be helpful then make an e-visit to your physician. See if your insurance will cover all or part of the cost with a prescription.
Feel better.
(13,867 posts)I have a patient with this... they use this pressure pump/ sleeve that is zipped up, is applied to the leg and has an electric air inflation pump...
(21,435 posts)I do have an appt next week.
It will have to be telemed I guess -- never done it before.
Will look into some of these suggestions.
As to why I have this? I have no idea at all!
It first hit me in the late 1990s after flying.
I don't know why it came back and I am trying to avoid salt.
I'm sure all of the stress is not helping me one bit!
Thanks again and leave it up to a REAL doctor in Hungary to DX it eh?
He sent me to the ER btw!
Nightmare scenario there and I ended up going *poof* real fast.
They think Americans have it all so to speak.
What a joke the medical system is in this country.
PATHETIC, esp. for $750+/mo.!
(26,795 posts)followed by incessant trips to the potty. You can drink water with lemon as a natural diuretic but you have to drink lots and lots of it.
Have you been monitoring your salt intake? That can exacerbate it.
Interstitial kidney disease is what has me suffering. It's part of a multi-organ related autoimmune syndrome.
Don't let the swelling go too long as it will cause permanent damage to the interstitial spaces in your limbs and elsewhere.
Good luck! I hope you find some relief.
❤ lmsp
(21,435 posts)The last time it happened it went on for months.
I could barely walk.
Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea!
(20 posts)I feel you count. I ended up with Lymphedema due to
a soft tissue infection that had nothing to due with cancer or lymph nodes.
A coupe of decades of managing Gout added to 2 plus years managing Lymphedema.
Like you along with so manly others a constant battle to
find and try different options to manage these conditions.
For me, a balance between flare-ups and manageable discomfort
was a goal I felt if achieved, I could function normally without having
to suffer horribly. Just looking to be able to manage this, that's all.
I turned to CBD 4 plus years ago and began experimenting with different brands
of Oils and cremes. Almost two years trying dozens of different brands without finding a product that
really seemed to be more effective than established treatments.
I can tell you what I learned in that time is that how these products are made
and what specific elements they are made with absolutely determines what they
will and wont do. The right blend turned this around for me.
I use that specific oil and crème along with doing what I should to eat right,
stay active and generally take good care of myself.
These products made such a difference for me that I started mom on them
about 15 months ago. She is loving it.