Today I learned that my GI doc is a Christian.
He started talking about how God created us to know the difference between solids and gases, but not gases and liquids. This is a nice way to describe a bodily function.
At that moment, I suddenly no longer trust my doc. I just don't think Scientists can be Christians. They need to question too much and if they can't, they can't be a scientist.
Am I the only one who feels this way? And how unprofessional is it to go into religion in a professional setting? Just totally made me uncomfortable. If this were at the Catholic Hospital, it would have been expected. But not where I was. It was just...unseemly...

(113,131 posts)while he's digging around in his mouth. I put up with them because he's the only dentist who has never hurt me. And it's the only proselytizing he does and it's all pretty mild stuff.
I honestly don't care whether or not a medical professional is a believer. Some are, some are not and the "are nots" are a distinct minority.
Just as the RCC has accepted evolution but considers god the puppetmaster who is directing the whole business, other medical professionals and scientists are capable of exploring their fields scientifically more as an exploration of god's methods rather than shutting down all avenues of research by saying "god did it" and that further study is unnecessary.
Besides, your GI doc was just using a classy way to say "never trust a fart."
(35,055 posts)The births were vastly different (and in different hospitals - we had moved) - but both doctors were very caring and got this older mom through the process including amnios in both cases (I was in my late 30s). I appreciated their professionalism in both cases.
(72,174 posts)god created us to know the difference between solids and gases? i would have to otherwise like him a whole, whole lot.
(6,793 posts)he decided he could not trust you because of your beliefs or non-beliefs? Kind of a knee-jerk reaction on your part in my opinion. If you have a good rapport with your Dr., simply tell them you do not like religion being talked about around you, just what pertains to you medically. If you have been happy with the Dr. before knowing this, it should not change anything.
Also, one does not have to be a scientist or a non-believer to question......even Mother Theresa was said to say she questioned her beliefs on a daily basis.