Anyone else stuck using a CPAP/BIPAP?
I hate it. But I wont die from my severe apnea. So I use the horrific thing routinely. Im at level 27 so its like sleeping in a hurricane.
Anyway, I can only sleep about six hours on it or my bad back locks up and I cant function. So I try to go to sleep at midnight and wake up around six. But the worst part is what my doc called a CPAP hangover? I apparently stay in REM sleep right up until the alarm goes off? So until 10 or 11 each morning I feel hungover minus the nausea. So I can be in debilitating pain for hours and need help just getting out of bed or I can feel like Ive been on a bender.
Anyone else have that hangover? How do you deal with it? I think its the lesser of two evils.

(159,661 posts)Following Hurricane Ike, I was without power for 40 hours. I was headed out to get a generator when power came on. Without the CPAP, I have a hangover.
(10,546 posts)Without the CPAP, I'd never get to REM, and I'd doze off constantly during the day, sometimes even while driving.
My only complaint is that the headgear strap screws up what little hair I have left.
(1,585 posts)No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)I haven't slept a night without it in ca 15 yrs, and I sleep soundly.
Problem is I stopped seeing the sleep doctor years ago, and don't remember the numbers I set my machine at years ago.
I ordered my current CPAP online years ago, before prescriptions were necessary.
It's fairly small, compared to the one first issued to me, which was quite bulky when I traveled.
I haven't traveled in several years now, and am not likely to travel much in the future, due to age, etc.
I understand the newer CPAPs have all sorts of bells and whistles, and that could be of interest to me, but I'm reluctant to go through the sleep tests again.
(1,585 posts)It connects to WiFi and sends info to my phone about my nights sleep. I still occasionally rip my mask off in my sleep and its nice to know how much good sleep vs bad sleep I got.
But yeah, the sleep studies are awful. And expensive.
(3,482 posts)I have never had a c-pap hangover. The symptoms you describe I felt before the machine. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and my machine is on 16. Yours seems real high, is your mask leaking during the night. and do you have a humidifier? Don't give up, can you afford another sleep study with your equipment?
(1,585 posts)Im on my third type of machine and it took two years to get to the point that I could sleep with it at all. I think Ive tried all of the types available. 🙁
Yeah, if I move at night, my mask leaks so thats why I dont move and it hurts my back badly to lie still all night. I also have to tighten my mask so much that mask lines are visible until noon and i have permanent bruising under my eyes nowadays.
I didnt have the hangover feeling before, I was exhausted and sleepy but not this whole body ache, headaches, stiffness and just feeling bleh.
But I stop breathing for up to four minutes at night with 90+ occurrences so Im stuck.
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)As you say you have back problems, I presume you've done everything doable to ameliorate that situation.
Luckily, I don't have back problems, but do love a comfortable bed.
Purchased a Tempurpedic mattress 15 or more yrs ago; still using it, though perhaps it could stand a replacement.
I also use two Tempurpedic pillows and spend all night on my back, maybe just shifting slightly one way or another now and again.
I also find I have to be warm enough to not have my sleep disturbed or compromised.
I know that goes against the common advice to have a cool room, etc., but that doesn't work for me.
I also have that 81mg aspirin and a small cup of water on the night-table so that if sleep is disturbed by a small ache, I can take the mini-aspirin and go right back to sleep without much sleep disturbance.
Happy dreams to all.....
(1,585 posts)Weve been talking about a good mattress like that. But I do have a pillow and it helps with the neck and the mask.
Sigh. Im falling apart and Im not yet 50.