Looks like I found the right group -
just not feeling well today and looking for folks who relate.
I have psoriatic arthritis (along with osteoarthritis in both knees but especially the left), I am in my 40s and got my diagnosis a couple of years ago. As a young adult and runner since I was 15 I had often wrapped the left knee & had other aches and pains here and there but didn't really have problems until after my 2nd child was born. When I started having trouble getting out of bed and going down the stairs it finally clicked that it was my joints and I made an appointment with a rheumatologist (my dad has had this disease since his teens so at least I'm familiar with what it is).
So, I am on one of the new drugs - Humira - and have been walking instead of running these days. Most of the time I feel fine but we've had a lot of rain coming through the past couple weeks so I've been more stiff and not in especially good spirits. It's making me miss the drought of last summer - I feel great when it's hot and dry!
Any other arthritis folks posting in here?

(5,649 posts)But I do have several chronic diseases - hypothyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes being the chief diseases. Just wanted to say welcome to the group. Even if I don't have arthritis, I know the frustration of feeling good and bad and just when you think it's going OK.. it rains
(35,055 posts)thanks! I subscribed to the group so I'll check in to see how others are doing.
(3,344 posts)Beause of my heart my doctor doesn't want me to take prescription medication for it. I walk everyday and heating pads are my friend.
(35,055 posts)normally I feel pretty good but my shoulders were pretty tight the last two days.
(3,344 posts)My mother-in-law gave me this blue contraption that you put in the microwave and I can sit in a chair for relief on my back. It is large enough that I can also have it around my hips. I don't know what is in it but it has been a life saver. I can ask her what it is called if you want. I love that puppy.
(35,055 posts)it looks like microwave would be easier than one that plugs in. I think something like this is exactly what I need.
(3,344 posts)I always think people think I am nuts when I try to describe it. I know it works for me and I hope if you decide to get one it works for you.
We are Devo
(193 posts)I think I could benefit from that! So, it's blue and you heat it in the microwave? Wonder if Target or Rite-Aid sells it...
(3,344 posts)I also asked my MIL and she said she got the one we have on QVC. Evidently they have corn or rice in them and there are also directions on how to make your own. This link is for Amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=heating+pad+microwave&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=3620797229&ref=pd_sl_9idu6inj9d_b
I typed in the google search heating pad microwave. I had no clue you could make them. I don't know if any stores carry them or not but I imagine they do.
When I use mine I put it in the microwave for three minutes and it hold heat for quite a while.
(71,846 posts)She has an arthritic condition in the lower lumbar region. When it acts up, laying on that pad seems to help quite a bit.
(72,174 posts)got fibro, and right now i am still nursing an ankle that i broke in october. bone is fine, but i know it will hurt for 6 months no matter what. i am not even gonna worry about it till then.
it drags you down, and it is hard to monitor because you expend so much energy blocking it out. find myself all the time doing this- geez, i feel terrible. tired, cranky, useless, wtf is the matter with me? oh, yeah, my (insert body part here) has been hurting like hell all week. duh.
sucks. golf balls through garden hoses.
(35,055 posts)It is hard to have diseases which aren't apparent to others. My husband will complain when he sees someone come out of a car in a handicapped spot and they don't have an obvious malady. I've taken to reminding him that some of us have incredible pain from inflammation but no one can see it.
I hope your ankle is on the mend - that sounds awful.
I decided to go to the spa this morning - husband can watch the kids for once!
(71,846 posts)In the right ankle and lower back. Has calcium build-up in between L1 and L2, and L2 and L3.
Me, i understand the pain thing. I've got the cerebellar form of MS. It's characterized mostly by constant symptoms but minimal to no progression of the condition.
I've had a nasty burning sensation in my legs and muscle spasms in the calves and arches of the feet for 19 years now.
So, i can empathize.
(35,055 posts)mostly the left one. I don't know if it is plantar fasciitis from the marathon running when I was younger, the arthritis, pressure from the left knee being weak, or some combination of any/all factors. That is probably the worst in terms of pain - the stiffness moves around in my hips, knees, shoulders, hands - any of those can flare up but it is generally just stiffness. The feet are definitely the worst. I even tried the special socks for plantar fasciitis but those just kept me awake!
Now today it is in the 60s already, expecting 70s and sunny. I feel pretty good and am about to go out for a second walk with the dog. Texas is actually a pretty good climate for me, the other southwestern states like New Mexico or Arizona might be even better.