Anyone suffer from chronic leg cramps (Charlie Horses)? I've had this problem
for nearly 5 years and I've tried potassium supplements, calcium supplements, an OTC med called "Leg Cramps" (which worked for a while) and then talked to my doctor. He ordered a Doppler test on my legs (which revealed nothing) then said to continue with the Leg Cramps med as it contained quinine. I am about 10 lbs overweight and normally walk 3-5 miles a day (wearing good athletic shoes). I was awakened 2 days ago with the WORST leg cramp ever and my leg is still very sore and I'm at wits end.
I'd appreciate any advice from anyone who suffers the same problem!

(3,894 posts)and are sometimes the cause of the problem. The heavily reinforced shoes apparently can force your feet into positions not normal for certain folks' feet to ankle ratio.
Additionally vitamin E is a big help with leg cramps.
(22,144 posts)It is an off the book use of insurance will not pay for it and has some cardiac implications.
(34,195 posts)My dad was given quinine when he served in the Marines in Haiti around 1930, as a preventive against malaria.
Somehow he got the idea it was a cure for bad colds or the flu and we kids grew up using it for that,
although apparently it didn't work.
As an adult, around 1990, when I had a bad cold I went to a pharmacy to get some quinine.
The pharmacist refused to sell me any, saying it's used to cut heroin.
(18,435 posts)....its only indicated for Malaria and the FDA put a stop to it because ppl were over using it for various things....and there are some serious side effects if its misused. Only one company did the mandated safety research on it to maintain their interest and now they are the only ones selling it but the cost went up from $60 for 30 pills to 600$ for 30.
(71,848 posts)But, there are very muscle specific stretching things that help me a lot. Don't need to do them all the time, only when i'm feeling the spasms. They work great. Some are good for calves. Some for the feet, some for the things, and some for the hips and butt.
My root cause may be different though.
(12,051 posts)55-75 years old? I'm in that range and the doc told me that just getting older brings on cramps, and that stretching exercises every day might help.
(18,435 posts)..tonic water. (eww)
The empressof all
(29,103 posts)My SO gets cramping when he forgets to drink enough water. If the doctor has ruled out any thing serious...try to drink 8 oz of clear water 6 to 8 times a day.
(7,822 posts)Drinking more water's a simple thing to try with very little downside. I've found if I do wake up with one, drinking water helps relieve the symptoms. Works for me.
(1,987 posts)I'm not a doctor. I'm not dispensing medical advice. But my guess would be dehydration.
(9,314 posts)helped my leg cramps. I have fibromyalgia and have rods and screws in my back so I have a lot of leg and back pain.
Walking around barefoot all the time made my leg cramps worse. What works best for me is cowboy boots. I know, it sounds weird, but they support my feet and thus my legs and back better than anything else. I spent over $100 on a pair of New Balance shoes that were custom fitted and I've worn them once. I switched to cowboy boots (remembering how I used to wear them years ago) and my leg and back pain has decreased significantly.
I also drink some tonic water at night sometimes (it has quinine).
(36,286 posts)The mag helps me sleep better at night, too.
(34,502 posts)Especially Magnesium for me. I buy Calm and mix it with water at night. It actually helps my CBD night dose taste better so .
It even works in the middle of the night if you wake up with cramps. You don't want to use too much so you have to be careful with that or you will be up in the bathroom all night instead of sleeping without leg cramps.
(135,425 posts)Over-hydrate, if possible, and see if that helps you. Do you take a diuretic for any condition?
Here's a Q/A article that might help:
(18,435 posts)..I would get leg cramps at night so I quit taking those pills.
(135,425 posts)This thread is four years old!
(7,748 posts)then try MBT footwear ( They work by strengthening the core muscles and by doing so they increase the circulation to the extremities. Work wonders on neuropathy in the hands & feet of diabetics so the oxygen increase to the limb muscles is wonderful in getting rid of the leg cramps. I suffered for years and a month into wearing MBT's they were almost gone. Within the next month, gone completely, no more being woken up with excruciating pain.
Sketchers makes rocker sole shoes too but I would absolutely NOT get those. They don't have a carbon fibre plate in them so one ends up overpronating to the point where the knees and hips start having major issues (serious issues). I knew a gal who ended up cracking both of her femeral necks, so please stay away from Sketchers.
(188 posts)I take magnesium/calcium/zinc.
Not all supplements are legit. Don't buy them at walmart.
Go to Vitamin Shoppe on line, etc.
Everyone is told to take potassium. If you are low in magnesium, your heart can't "relax after it's contraction part of "pump' operation. Same thing for leg muscles.
Have doctor check your blood levels.
Always get copies of your medical tests performed.
(18,652 posts)recently I was diagnosed with cancer and I have done away with coffee, alcohol, most meat and dairy (unless a little free range/organic), and have very little sugar, except what's in fruit naturally. IOW, I am mostly now living on a vegan diet. Lo and behold, I have not had leg cramps since I started this diet in Dec.
The cancer is another story.
(12,051 posts)a few weeks after starting atorvastatin. I have taken other statins without having the problem.
One more possibility is that you are slightly dehydrated. I understand that will cause leg cramps. So drink your water even if you don't feel thirsty.
Finally, you may want to try leg stretches immediately after your walk. My physical therapist gave me three stretches that will lengthen/stretch your leg muscles, which contract after exercise. I have found these to be very, very helpful.
(8,028 posts)
My mother who has MS swears by it and has done for years. I've used it too and it stops a charley horse like nothing else will. I swear they're magic. I keep some close by at all times. Google it to find it online or buy it in your local grocery store health food department.

(2 posts)Dear LibGranny,
Research ALL advice on the internet, including your physician's.
1. Over hydration can KILL YOU. I know; by the time I was discovered unconscious and reached the ER, I was "within 2 to 3 hours of death", according to the ER physician who initially treated me .
I had taken the advice of drinking lots of water when working outdoors in high heat and humidity. What was not mentioned is that high intake of water can dilute your blood with a concomitant dilution of the electrolytes necessary in maintaining proper nerve function (heart), and not losing consciousness.
2. Electrolytes need to be in a balanced formula; read Wikipedia about both 'electrolytes' and then read about each of the electrolytes individually, i.e. enter "potassium", and read, etc. Having too much or too little (hyper and hypo) Potassium and Magnesium can cause serious medical problems. Too much calcium, in some individuals, can cause kidney stones, not life threatening, but painful (worse than childbirth, according to one woman who had had both a child and kidney stones).
After leaving the hospital, I went online to find a supplement that had all of the necessary electrolytes (and only electrolytes) in a BALANCED FORMULA OF SODIUM, POTASSIUM, MAGNESIUM, AND CALCIUM.
I found ONE such supplement. It's marketed to endurance athletes; the people who run 100 miles in the desert -- that sort of thing. I called their '800' number and explained I was not an endurance athlete but had terrible leg cramps after exercise and often leg cramps at night. The person told me about one of their customers (mid 60s) who had the same problem and after taking their balanced electrolytes the cramping stopped. I also greatly increase the dose of electrolytes when drinking large volumes of water to stay hydrated.
3. Proper hydration (NEVER, EVER, OVER-HYDRATION) with sufficient and balanced electrolyte intake is essential, particularly when it's cool and you don't think you need much in the way of fluid or electrolyte intake. You always need fluid and electrolyte intake, less when it's cool or even cold, but still critical.
4. Boiron"s "Cuprum Metallicum" (latin for copper metal), is a Homeopathic remedy, which means that it most likely won't harm you, since it contains virtually no copper at all, but most likely won't help you either. So take it if you want to, but only after water and electrolytes.
5. Quinine, Quinine Sulfate -- prescription tablet, probably cannot be obtained in the U.S. However, you might be able to obtain it from an online British pharmacy, where it is still prescribed for nighttime leg cramps at a dose of 300 mg. (see Wikipedia/quinine) The amount of quinine in quinine water is extremely small (see Wikipedia/quinine) and probably, but `not worth consuming.
6. I also STRONGLY RECOMMEND the website "". You can open an account, at no cost, where you can enter all the medications (both OTC and prescription) that you are taking, or are contemplating taking, and you will be given all of the interactions. The site also gives you access to information about similar medications and user reviews. You can also read both the manufacturer's and the FDA's information about any medication at either the consumer or 'professional' level (both OTC and prescription). If you open an account, or just go to the website, you can enter either "muscle cramps" or "hypertonicity", and you will get a list of prescription muscle relaxants.
7. If you see your physician and a blood test for electrolytes is ordered, it is extremely important, actually it's mandatory for determining the electrolyte levels that immediately precede your muscle cramps, to have exercised just as you normally would and without supplements, and then go to the lab as quickly as possible to have blood drawn to find out 'in real time' how your body reacts to exercise. If you don't, the results are more likely than not to show normal levels.
LibGranny, if you, or anybody, would like information on where I get my electrolyte supplements, or on one of the best (I think) labs in the country (apart from Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic) just ask. I'll monitor this thread every week or so.
(18,435 posts)fadedrose
(10,044 posts)Usually from either bending or stretching leg muscles, and it happens when I'm standing as well as lying down. It helps if someone rubs the spot, but by the time I can call out to get help, the pain is gone just from keeping still for a few minutes, whether I can rub it or not.
Extremely painful, 10 on a scale of 10, but it's soon gone and forgotten. Very weird.
You must have twisted or overstretched your leg muscles while you were sleeping. I bet it won't happen again for a long time and you will never find the cause.
(3,626 posts)and tried many remedies --tonic water, supplements, electrolyte drinks, Endurolytes capsules (meant for runners, cyclists). My cramps were occasionally so bad that I told my neighbors not to call the cops if they heard screaming (and I am not normally a screamer.) I found this product via Google and was desperate enough to give it a shot.
{Sorry, can't post an image.}
Anyway, I took one dose -- it was the most vile-tasting stuff ever, BUT it seems to have worked and I'd have taken cyanide to stop the pain!! It's about $15 for 8 oz. (with unconditional money-back guarantee.) You only need a capful and it doesn't 'expire'. All natural ingredients of vinegar, ginger, garlic and does not need refrigeration so you can keep it on your nightstand.
I suggest you go to their website and read about it. Good luck.
(18,435 posts)Ineeda
(3,626 posts)as I meant to direct it to you. <sorry>
Response to LibGranny (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(6 posts)How To Make Magnesium Oil
-What You Need
-1/2 cup of Magnesium Flakes
-1/2 cup of Water
-Jar or Spray Bottle to Store the Mixture
-Magnesium Oil Directions
Heat up ½ cup of water (not to the point of boiling)
Pour the water over ½ cup of magnesium flakes
Stir the mixture until the magnesium flakes are dissolved.
Let the mixture cool and store in a spray bottle or jar
You can apply the mixture to your skin after it has cooled enough to a comfortable temperature. You can also store the magnesium oil for future use
i spray onto my palms and rub into the cramp
(8,236 posts)Patterson
(1,579 posts)I keep tubes all over the house - especially by the bed.
(1,301 posts)Hold a bar of soap over the area cramping.Any bar of soap will work other than Dove.
Many keep a bar between top and bottom sheets on another health forum I belong to..
Apparently their is no scientific reason this works but it has for me.
(18,435 posts)...I wasn't going to get a cramp that night anyway.
(30,947 posts)Last edited Sat Sep 10, 2016, 05:31 PM - Edit history (1)
Then I was advised by a poster on DU to take Vitamin E before going to bed. It worked and I very rarely have leg cramps at night. So try taking a 1000 IU capsule of Vitamin E every night. It works for me and I hope it works for you.
(4,412 posts)I get horrible legs pains and the last few days it's been so bad I can only get 2-3 hours sleep. I know hydration and stretching help too.
(4,412 posts)and took 1200 IU only because I couldn't split the pills as they were in gel form. Anyway, last I had zero leg problems. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been battling this problem off and on for the last year but it's gotten increasingly worse. I read somewhere that my symptoms are often associated with restless legs syndrome.
(243 posts)I discovered that drinking tonic water (available at any grocery) upon awakening with agonizing pain really helped. Different brands of tonic water contain different amounts of quinine and there is no way to tell how much is in any given brand. They may contain only a small amount of quinine but this used to help me.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,670 posts)and on the nights that I drink 16 oz of water one hour or 2 before bedtime, i never have them.
(66,282 posts)Since you have done the potassium thing, try increasing your water intake.
If you don't stay hydrated, your muscles will cramp up. I usually get my dehydration cramps in the arches of my feet, but I have a friend who gets them as Charley horses.
(46,583 posts)Cal Mag. Hydration. Fish Oil
(30,564 posts)it's as simple as that. Start early in the day hydrating and continue until evening. But do drink more water. Your muscles can't work without it.
Jane Austin
(9,199 posts)The over-the-counter versions have hardly any potassium.
The prescription my doc gave me has been very effective.
(18,435 posts)...but I don't know what starts them either!!
I tried different shoes, no shoes, exercise etc. I thought there would be a correlation with at least something.....but theres NO correlation to anything I do. Sometimes they happen after long flights or car rides sometimes not. Sometimes they are in exactly the same muscle in both legs.....sometimes in muscles I never knew I had! I tried leg cramp pills, potassium, bananas and my Dr said to drink tonic water (GAG!) I tried sugar free with lemon or lime and couldn't even gag the stuff down.
Now the one thing I do to at least help get back to sleep after being WIDE awake stomping, rubbing or messaging is a little pot.
(18,435 posts)..something during the cramp that requires holding ones breath! Drinking water or taking pills. When I would wake up with a cramp I would sometimes take those otc leg cramp pills and then drink some water. In a cpl minutes (SOMETIMES) the cramps would stop.
(2,318 posts)Epsom salt baths. My very athletic daughter told me to try it. It's a way to absorb magnesium through the skin without any annoying side effects (diarrhea).
I have SOMETHING going on with one hip and leg...might be arthritis or bursitis, I still don't know...but the bath really seems to help. Two cups in a nice warm bath, soak for twenty minutes, then shower it off to avoid dryness. I feel wonderful afterward and the whole next day. And the stuff is cheap...$2.99 for four pounds at my market.
(1,579 posts)Stardust
(3,894 posts)the internet, I read about mixing a teaspoon of plain old salt with a gallon of water. I tried it and IT WORKS! I drink some throughout the day and I havent had cramps in years except very rarely. If I do get one, I drink the salt water, and the cramp magically goes away. Good luck!