Cancer Support
Related: About this forumLocal magazine featuring my husband who has metastatic Gleason 9 prostate cancer
Last edited Mon Oct 24, 2022, 12:37 AM - Edit history (1)
The article is not about his cancer. It doesn't mention that he was diagnosed in April of 2021 and has had a prostatectomy, radiation, and is currently on ADT. However, the piece does give long-overdue recognition to his role in the local music scene.
For the last 40 years (!) my husband has been the leader of the band that's provided the music for a very popular local event: The Chadd's Ford Historical Society's Great Pumpkin Carve. After failing to even highlight the band in their promos for the event, one of the board members came up with the idea for a feature article. My husband is so pleased with the recognition, no matter that it's just a little local mag.
Here's the cover photo, taken last month on our our deck. That's my husband and me in front. (I blame the meds I'm on for a herniated disc problem and everyone there who failed to alert me for the frightful state of my hair!)
I wish I could share the .pdf of the piece. They do have us featured on their facebook homepage, but only the cover photo. They don't seem to offer access to the actual article anywhere on line.
Although, as far as anyone can tell, he is relatively stable at the moment, due to his aggressive cancer, we don't know if he will be able to play year 41 with the Pumpkin Carve. Nevertheless, he says he intends to!
On Edit: A discussion in this thread with Yonder led me to find this cool old video of Kenny playing on stage:
See posts 31 -37 below, for details (Including a wild almost-lost guitar story and, unfortunately, more cancer.)

(160 posts)'Tis a great photo.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)
(85,430 posts)It IS a great photo, isn't it!
Looks like a fun gathering. Probably a thoroughly enjoyable and tuneful show they're gonna put on.
(26,257 posts)Go you!!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)I use that phrase cautiously because I said it to one of my friends once in response to a compliment she gave me and she said, "I know." She's just the kind of friend who I'm not close enough to to know whether that was just a joke!
So, maybe I'll just say, Thank you!
(308,615 posts)Thank you for Sharing, Dak n Stormy!
And, your hair looks great!!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)I'm an introvert with Asperger's and am usually pretty guarded about personal things. But the article is about my husband, and even though he's not on DU, he will be happy to hear I shared the fact that this article was written about him, even if I can't seem to find a way to provide access to the actual piece! It's very complimentary to him, and he deserves it. One of the nicest guys on earth!
Thanks again for the positive feedback!
(308,615 posts)really something to be proud of and glad you were able to post the picture of you all. 💙💙💙💙
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)
(162,537 posts)so COOL! Love it.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)and want to brag on him!
(162,537 posts)I'm a sucker for those uplifted eyebrows
you should both be proud of yourselves....well done!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)A few years back, when we first noticed his outer brows had become so much less prominent than the inner ones, giving him a perpetually quizzical countenance, we actually dyed the darker ones.
We convinced ourselves no one at the family Thanksgiving gathering would notice. Well, it took our teenage niece less than two seconds to loudly ask, "Uncle Kenny, did you dye your eyebrows???!!!"
(162,537 posts)I am reminded of that Seinfeld episode!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)He loves Seinfeld and has referenced that episode when laughing about the state of his own eyebrows.
(3,138 posts)SheltieLover
(64,613 posts)Your hair looks great!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)It would have been nice if this had happened 4 or 5 years ago before everything seemed to fall apart in our lives. Even being available for the interview and the photo shoot for the article was difficult because of all the complications & difficulties.
Still, better late than never, I guess.
(6,675 posts)is ok in my book! I've always gotten along with bass players and drummers. Sometimes not so much with vocalists....
Sending good vibes for his 41st year! K&R...
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)heavier than a quart of milk. My Fender weighs a ton!!!
I guess it was foolish to play two of the three nights of the gig we had this weekend--we thought I was having back surgery on Friday, so we got subs for me and my husband and he was going to miss the first two nights of his 40th to support me--but I really wanted to play. We've been under so much damn stress.
So, you must be a musician. What do you play?
(6,675 posts)i remember once trying a friend's Fender out and thinking it felt clunky and HEAVY. I don't think i could've spent 3 hours hauling that rock. But it did sound real good. I don't play anymore really, but i still have my rig. Sometimes i pick it up. At this point... I am... not very good. And OK with that. I have a 3 year old now, and a full time job... too busy for a band. Maybe someday. I ask every new coworker... "Do you play an instrument?"
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)but maybe try not to let your instrument become foreign to you. I've done that and regretted it. Just playing a few minutes a day keeps it in your life. Even picking it up...even if it's a ridiculously heavy P-bass!
(6,675 posts)to play the battered acoustic guitar or the djembe. More fun for the kid. My bass is in my neglected "studio" with my other neglected side projects. I get to them sometimes, i hope to get to them more often. Thanks for the encouragement though!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)If not, something is out of balance. And believe me, I know from out-of-balance. I've been working on it all my life and still don't have it down. In fact, it might be worse than ever. My herniated disk had messed with my foot and my literal balance. It's a struggle.
Anyway, best of luck with everything!
(6,675 posts)calimary
(85,430 posts)Doesn't look frightful to me.
Color, length, texture - all just fine! Chic, in fact.
Bass player, 'eh?
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)I don't dislike grey hair, generally. It can be lovely. But I sort of wish I'd never stopped dying my hair. I mean, it was a pain in the keister to keep up with, and I don't miss getting dark dye spots on my shower curtain & floor, but it just feels like so much has happened over the past few years to age me far more quickly than is normal. I look at pictures from 4 years ago, and I feel like I've aged at least 10 years.
It would be nice to be free of vanity, but I'll give myself a partial excuse in that since, yes, I'm a bass player and am (less and less frequently, but still...) occasionally "on stage," I feel self-conscious about my appearance more so than I otherwise might. Then again, I was always self-conscious about everything!
Sorry, these pain meds I'm on are amplifying my natural over-analysis of every little thing and my tendency to go on and on about any topic!
Thanks again for the compliment!
(85,430 posts)And my curiosity got the better of me. How would it look? What did my hair want to do? Sounds kinda silly but I realized long ago that my hair had a mind of its own.
So I decided to let it go and just see what happened.
DANG! Its freakin GORGEOUS!!! Didnt bother with grey. Went straight white and kept growing til it was long enough to sit on. Reminded me of one of my best friends from school who had long straight blonde surfer hair that I envied. Now I have my own version thats long, straight, and white as new snow. Its really striking, and I am absolutely DELIGHTED!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)My hair was relatively straight until in my teen years it began to turn curly. Just when the older kids--the hippies--were making the long, straightish style popular.
Like you, I envied a 'do I couldn't do. For a while, I rook to actually ironing my hair--with an iron on the ironing board! (I guess flat-irons for hair weren't readily available?)
Unlike you, I can't grow my hair much past my shoulders anymore. And once it began to get curly, it just kept going until it now, it frizzes & kinks up to a fraction of its true length, except for the top layer, which is just slightly wavy. It's perplexing! What gene was altered to cause the change?
And, frankly, it's just lousy hair. (Though, as my poor sister just had all of hers fall out due to chemo, I'm reminded to be grateful to have any!) Just looking at it causes damage.
All through the height of COVID I didn't use any heat appliances, washed it less frequently, and conditioned it a lot, yet It's still just as damaged as ever.
My mom bugs me to get it cut short. But, frizzy & unhealthy as it is, I prefer my hair longer!
I envy your luck to have the hairstyle & color you've always wanted! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
(85,430 posts)I gave up trying to tame it a long time ago.
But if I didn't part it in the middle, or put a headband on, or tie it up in back, it would all want to grow forward and cover my face and the whole front of me!
The trend as one gets older seems to be to cut it short. But I kinda like being the lone weird one with the long hair. Long straight white hair. That's what it wants to be. Last Halloween, btw, I did brush it all forward, put some glasses on, and went as Cousin It.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)That's hilarious! Most people would have to buy a wig for that.
And, right on! You keep on rocking that fab long, straight, white hair wrangled just enough to let your face be seen. 🌞
I never understood why so many women went to short hair as they got older. I get it now. Many of us have crappy hair that looks even worse once it goes gray.
But we don't have to bow to any pressure to conform! (At least not unless the fascist R bastards get their way & control every move we make.)
As for me, for now, I'm working with what I have!
Great conversing with you! Have a lovely evening.
(85,430 posts)MLAA
(19,013 posts)Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)But then it can be awkward keeping that restrained smile while waiting for the photographer to snap it. She caught me in a genuine laugh here, and it was the pic everyone liked of themselves, or at least could live with, so I went with it.
(11,269 posts)Thanks for sharing this happy news.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)I'm going to have to figure out a way to post the actual article. It's very well done.
(17,572 posts)Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)
(10,036 posts)Looks like he plays a well-played, older Martin dreadnought originally built as a left hand rather than converted to lefty. I'm guessing a D-28 but can't tell for sure. I can hear it from here.
Here's to your bands' long-time community support and many more Pumpkin Carve gigs.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)1969.
He gave that guitar to a luthier/friend/fellow musician for some repairs one time and didn't see it again for 25 years. I wish you could hear him tell the story.
I know it's hard to believe, but he let it go on far longer than he should have (he'd gotten into playing his special order leftie Taylor), but when he finally began asking for the Martin back, the guy just kept saying he wasn't finished with the repairs.
In the end, it was discovered in in pieces, in a ratty bag under a sink in the basement of the music shop where luthier used to work! Fortunately, when the teenage boys who'd been hired to clean out the basement were smart enough not to throw it in the dumpster, another friend who worked there recognized it as Kenny's guitar!
(10,036 posts)There are tons of interesting stories of musical instruments that came back to life. Add this one to the book.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)They were in a band called Crossfork. They played Country Music, which isn't really my cuppa tea, but they made it all the way to the finals in the Marlboro Music Contest in the late 90s, iirc. All expenses paid trip to Nashville to compete in the finals, professional videos of their performance, etc. Here's one of the videos from those finals:
(I've cued it to start at my favorite part. Probably after an ad which you can probably skip after a few seconds.)
The guy playing acoustic guitar stage right (left side of video) is the luthier, Carl, the lead singer is his wife, BJ, the electric guitar player, Tom, is the one who recognized the bag-o-guitar-parts as Kenny's Martin. The harmonica player is my husband, Kenny.
BJ had cancer. I'm not sure exactly of the details, but she had been in treatment prior to the contest. She died a few years after. Carl took it hard, fell apart, and eventually just disappeared from here.
So, Kenny doesn't really hold it against Carl. What with his wife dying of cancer and all. And really, who waits 24 years to ask for their guitar back from the luthier?
(10,036 posts)I dont care for CW much either but it sounds like they were a decent band. The song becomes all the more poignant with the background you posted. Also, your take on the 24 years versus the luthier's personal loss is pretty damn healthy, IMO.
There are plenty of stories out there, just not enough time, words, songs nor poet/singers to recount them all.
Once again, good luck to your guy.