Cancer Support
Related: About this forumThe surgery will be the middle of June, I hope
Last edited Fri Apr 6, 2012, 10:08 AM - Edit history (1)
The surgeon took one look at my back and said it needed to come out. It's still elective but at least not classified as cosmetic. I have to go thought heart screenings a week before to make sure my heart can take it. It's an in and out surgery.

(7,719 posts) in day surgery? Just because it's day surgery, it's obviously still dangerous. I sure hope you get it taken care of and get some relief. Good luck Irish.
Everyone I know calls it that. I had never heard of it until I moved here. When I first started using the slang drive by didn't mean what it does now and I always associate it with In and Out.
Last edited Sat Apr 7, 2012, 06:47 AM - Edit history (1)
to hear you will finally get to have the
surgery. I know you are too! That has to
be so uncomfortable for you. I have a couple of them and any kind of pressure
is painful.
Keep us posted on how your pre surgical heart tests go too!
None of the tests will be given until June. At least on the home monitor everything is ok.
(28,705 posts)How are you feeling? Any stronger?
(3,344 posts)I am getting back to my normal activities. My daughter thinks I will have to buy new tops when the thing is gone because they will be too big. I am very self conscious about it and have been buying tops a little big to hide it.
I just keep having a vision of the tumor flying out of my body. The surgeon kept saying the tumor will pop right out and I keep seeing a blob flying out and bouncing of the floor. I think I have a weird mind. LOL
Thanks for the visual !!
I really wonder if it will really
pop out like that ?
I know you will feel so much better to
have that gone.
(5,673 posts)People in Eastern OH have no creativity. I'm so glad you are able to get this taken care of. You deserve relief. I'm praying your heart is strong and that surgery goes well. Peace to you. cmd
(3,344 posts)I keep forgetting that drive by has a much different meaning now.
(21,210 posts)hopefully the insurance company will cover all costs and you will feel better this summer.
In the meantime try and build up your strength as the date approaches.
(21,210 posts)hope you had the surgery and all is well
(3,344 posts)I have having some serious health issues right now. It seems like I am at the doctor more than I am at home. I lost 11 pounds within 2 weeks. No one seems to be able ti figure out what is wrong. The doctor keeps ordering more tests. It's very strange because I don't feel ill but I have problems keeping food down and my blood pressure, while not too high, is not consistent. He has been on vacation this week so I hope to find out more next week. I still have the lump. Sigh
(21,210 posts)hope they figure things out very soon, will look for some updates!
(3,344 posts)I have been having problems keeping food down on and off for a long time. Then a week and a half ago I was trying to help my 90 pound dog get into the car. She lurched back and I fell flat on my back. I bruised my tail bone and had an egg sized lump on my head. The lump is finally gone and my head isn't hurting now but it is agony to sit for any length of time.
The doctor ordered blood tests for me (regular blood work) and the test show anemia and dehydration. Then he goes on vacation and I have been dealing with two different nurses, a doctor on call and a head nurse. First I am told I am slightly anemic, the extremely anemic. Then I may have to have a scope placed in my stomach and they I will have to have one but the doctor will decide on Monday. I have to keep going to get my bp checked even though I can check it at home.
I wear a duragesic patch for pain and have always worn it on my back. My husband and I decided to move it and the vomiting has almost stopped-except for the first 24 hours. I am thinking it is now too strong but I keep getting pooh-poohed. I do vomit on a lot of medications. I am very frustrated. Since moving the patch I am feeling a lot better and I sure don't want to have the cope down my throat. The doctor gets back tomorrow so we will see what he says. Just needed to rant-this isn't because of cancer but some of the underlying health problems came about because of chemo.
(28,705 posts)I'm so sorry you are suffering. This is all so rough. We shouldn't have to live in such pain.
I'm curious about the Duragesic patch. Where are you now applying it? When you wore it on your back, you suffered nausea, but since moving to a different part of your body the nausea has disappeared? Where on your back & where is it now?
I don't mean to be nosy, I know there will come a time where I'll probably be prescribed the patch & any additional information is most appreciated.
You have my phone number, if you ever want to chat. (((Irish)))
(3,344 posts)My friend who cuts my hair is stage 4 breast cancer (her spine is full of cancer) and is getting ready for five weeks of radiation to help treat pain. After she finishes she will be on the patch also.
You are supposed to wear the patch on a part of your body that has some fat on it. I have had my fat slab for years so we figured it would be ideal to wear it there. Some people are told to wear the patch on their right side away from the heart. I wore it on my left. What is strange is that I don't have nausea. We could be sitting around having a wonderful conversation and then I would suddenly get up, run to the bathroom and after a couple of minutes return and finish the conversation. I am now wearing it on top of my right arm. I am not having near the problems I was. I just has a couple of minutes of the dry heaves yesterday morning but ate like normally for the rest of the day. I have learned that a lot of people wear the patch on their thigh.
If the patch makes you want to scratch your skin off ask for another brand. I wear the Mylan but one time the pharmacy gave me one from another company. I wanted to scratch my skin right off of my body. They may try to tell you that it is in your head but it isn't.
For the first time in months I am feeling more normal and it is wonderful. Let me know how it goes. Thank you-hey I am almost ready where I can look forward to chatting. I have been very quiet for a long time.
(28,705 posts)Big, big hugs for you.
Thank you for the info. I guess you don't remember which company made the itchy patch. I don't think it's in your mind, & if those who said it is, haven't thought about it carefully. It's not the drug, but the patch itself. The glue or materials to make the patch that you have a sensitivity to.
(3,344 posts)LOL I wasn't the only one having problems. The poor pharmacy kept trying to get rid of the ones that made people itch. You could hear people telling them that they didn't want the yellow box, they wanted the blue one.
(27,985 posts)I'm sorry you haven't had the surgery yet. I'm shocked at how slow the damn wheels turn.
That turns out to be the thing I am most not okay with - how slow this all goes. It feels like I'm in a dream made of amber. Well, more of a nightmare.
I'm rooting for you, Irishonly. No silliness on this post, just heartfelt wishes that your surgery is soon behind you.
(21,210 posts)and sure hope your regular doc was able to give some further insight today, just a quick glance and nausea and vomiting can be side effects. After awhile it just gets to you and you were not ranting
(27,985 posts)We call them, Stop, Drop and Rolls. And we call an Urgent Care clinic, Doc in the Box. But then, as a nurse, gallows humor is my bread and butter. In the lounge of the ER where I worked many years ago, we had mimeograph (I've just dated myself, for sure) that had, as it's title: Suicide: How To Do It Right. I've probably just betrayed a white wall of silence, but whatever.
I guess I should introduce myself. Hi, I'm T. and my husband has cancer. I'm not here as the smart ass nurse, but as the scared smart ass wife. I'm pretty sure things are about to get deadly serious in my house, so I have to get the jokes out now, while I can still breathe and write.
As they say on Game of Thrones, Winter is coming.
I just looked at the date on your post. Have you had your surgery already, then. If so, I hope it was a resounding success.