Cancer Support
Related: About this forumI forgot to post here about my visit to the cancer center after 4 months off from Chemo due to
neuropathy. I was scheduled for a CT scan to find out what was going on with the cancer. I* had the scan and I met with my Dr Khemka. First of all, let me tell you that DR Khemka IS NOT emotional AT ALL! He tell me in his distinctive monotone that my potassium is llow AGAIN and that he wants me to see a Nephrologist and that because my liver enzymes are up, he wants me to make an appointment with either a gastro or a hepatologist. THEN....he tells me that my cancer HAS NOT GROWN AT ALL SINCE AUGUST. He says that he cannot understand how that happening because he read the notes from the doctor's that diagnosed me last year and there's nothing that explains it. (I didn't tell him what I'm taking which is killing my cancer.) He said that what I have is DEADLY but something has stopped it in it's steps. He then told me that he didn't want to give me more chemo at this ponint and didn't want to see me again until April 12th, when he will give me another scan and depending on what that says, he will give me a PET scan to see if that cancer is actually alive.
I also had a pap smear and the Gyno told me that if things were good, I would get a letter. Seeing as how I haven't gotten a phone call from Dr Accord more almost 2 weeks out, I'm tickled pink. I was SO HAPPY, people! I get to keep growing my hair, (so tired of being bald) and hopefully, I can get on with my life. YAY!!! If anyone wants to know what I'm using for this cancer, feel free to ask.

(12,360 posts)It's never too early to be armed in the event it's needed. I'm 5 yrs out from a uterine cancer diagnosis (stage 2A) and am considered 'cured' as of this past April. After 5 years, it doesn't bother me much, but I can honestly say that I still think about it pretty much daily.
I was lucky in that I did not have chemo (wouldn't work for my type) or rads since I was told that you can only have it 1x in that area. I wanted to have some ammo to work with in the event it returned. The research I did said that if it returns after rads, it usually will return in a distant area (lungs, colon, bone, breast). Before rads, if there is a recurrence, it typically will be at the cervical 'cuff'.
If you don't want to post to the list, send me a message. I'm so glad you got such a great report from the doc. You've been in my prayers.
(5,673 posts)Today is my onc. visit along with my chemo. I'll get the official results of my brain scan. My family doctor has already told me the report was good.
I expect my potassium to be low which means doubling up on those monster pills that I hate so much. I do want to know what you are doing. PM me. I've got to go. My appt. is in less than an hour. cmd
Happy, happy, happy for you!!!
(3,313 posts)Applause and hugs!
(3,344 posts)I am thrilled for you.