Cancer Support
Related: About this forumI cut my hair today
I always thought it would be fun to take the scissors to it. It was. I have about an inch - more or less - left. Someone else can take the clippers to the rest.
It really feels good to have it out of the way.

(4,031 posts)It was 13 days into treatment. It was cut short before, so I just took the clippers and went for it. I knew it had to happen, and it was itchy, so I did it. It felt great afterwards. It will grow back, trust me!
(7,719 posts)Two weeks later, and it's time to cut it....not much left.
(4,031 posts)When you're concentrating on the positive, and feeling as well as you can, the hair is not so important anymore. It will grow back. Good vibes to you both.
(7,719 posts)I certainly won't miss all those little hairballs that come out of the dryer after washing is done.
(3,344 posts)My daughter painted a "Bald is Beautiful" t-shirt and I wore it when I went to chemo. A wonderful woman made her a chemo baby doll. The doll had removable hair. Her teacher was wonderful and let her take her bald baby to school when I was having a treatment. We made a big sign saying "Bald is Beautiful" for the door and under it we made a smaller sign with the letters:
BW(bald woman)
BBW (bald, barfing woman)
BCW (bald, cranky woman)
BBCW (bald, barfing, cranky woman)
We laminated it and she would check the appropiate B for the day
I wore my "little, bald head" proudly
(2,769 posts)In fact, I've had to do it twice.
I had my daughter shave it off with the electric clippers, and I'd not-so-jokingly tell people how good it felt to stand in the shower and have the water fall on my bald head.
The only downside was having to wear a fuzzy hat to bed because my head was so cold and the fact that, after losing it twice, it never fully grew back. It's pretty thin now.
(3,313 posts)She's currently on hormone treatment, rather than chemo. She says she wants to grow her own wig. She's getting really shaggy, and every time I look at her hair, she grins and goes, "Aha!"
She's taking the week off from work. She keeps on pulling muscles in her legs because she is compensating for the pain in her back. We will celebrate her birthday at the end of the week. She's making me go to a 3-D vampire movie in exchange for all the Anthony Hopkins films I've made her see.
All of our best to you, CMD.
(3,344 posts)She was an expert weaver and created a work of art with the hair she lost. It was amazing. I hope she can make a wig from her hair.
(5,673 posts)It didn't bother me either time to have my hair lopped off. It's really comfortable, never needs styling and dries almost instantly. I didn't like losing my brows and lashes, but that comes with the game.
I have some lovely scarves to wear when I'm out, but would rather be bald.
I have earned the right to go hairless.