Cancer Support
Related: About this forumI never dreamed I would be saying my liver hurts.
I noticed that it was getting swollen about a month ago and wasn't surprised that the cancer was back. It's about two hours until pain pill time. I could take a break through pill, but would rather save them for severe pain. Meantime, I'll just grumble to all of you.
I've only been sick one time since chemo on Wednesday. That happened suddenly while I was visiting my daughter for a new house tour. I immediately felt better and still haven't needed an anti-nausea pill.
Hoping all of you are having a good day. cmd

(6,086 posts)
I missed you guys yesterday when DU was black.
(3,344 posts)I am glad to hear you are doing ok with the chemo. I am not happy about your pain and I understand why you are not taking the pain pills until the pain gets severe. Hang in there.
I really missed DU yesterday. It's nice to have my cyber supporters.
(7,719 posts) pains and not just an ache. I assume it's the lesions rubbing on something because of all the fluid she is carrying. She takes a hydrocodone for them ususally, but is constipated from the pain pills, so she doesn't want to take another till she deficates. Any good remedies for constipation other than stool softeners. She can't have anything with aspirin in it cuz of the liver mets.
She's only vomited one time, as well, but her blood counts are too low and she can't take the chemo that was scheduled for tomorrow. So, we'll go in for bloodwork and to see the chemo doc tomorrow to see how to proceed.
(5,673 posts)The doctor gave me a powder that you mix with a beverage - something along the line of Metamucil, but prescription form. It works well, but takes time. Check with your oncologist. Things have to get moving.
I just never know whether I'm going to wake up with constipation or diarrhea.
I take morphine every 12 hours and oxycodone as a break through pain pill.
Until the last week I have rarely had to take the oxy. Now I need one at least once a day.
I had chemo yesterday. My cell count was lower, but good enough to go. That first round of chemo just knocks your socks off. Things will get better for Carol.
Take care. cmd
(6,086 posts)Miralax is the best !
(21,210 posts)hopefully you're feeling better and have a better day tomorrow.