Cancer Support
Related: About this forumLiver functions are still improving.....
...which is good. That means the chemo is working. However, this morning, her WBC count was getting dangerously low, putting her at risk of spontaneous bleeding. The Neupogen has not built her counts up sufficiently, so they gave her a platelet transfusion today.
It was given around lunch, and when I left at 6:30 pm, she looked a lot better. The chemo doc said the platelet counts can actually improve overnight with the transfusion, and it was possible she could come home Tuesday if everything works out. I took that with a grain of salt. I would love to bring her home, but not until she is ready and healthy enough to do so.
They had given her the news before I arrived this morning, and she was kinda down this morning after having trouble getting help pottying last night. She didn't look well this morning (well duh!), but after I gave her a shower and washed her hair and her sister dried and curled it, she was feeling and looking much better and ate a good lunch.
For a 60 yr old woman, she has the most beautiful head of shoulder length blondish hair, without a hint of graying. It'll be a shame when she loses it, but her best friend sent her a $1500 wig she had bought for her own mother who died of breast cancer before getting to use it, and she will be excited to see it. I don't know how long it takes for her to lose her hair, but I am assuming she will since the chemo is a systemic treatment. I have washed her hair twice since the chemo and nothing is coming out yet. I haven't looked up the Taxol/Carboplatin treatment to see how long it takes, cuz it doesn't matter really.
I do appreciate your responses to my posts, but don't feel compelled to do so, as I am really doing it for myself as much as anything.
I starting keeping a journal since the first day of radiation treatment, writing something each day to document her journey, and I am kinda doing the same thing here. It really does help.

(3,344 posts)Hospitals are great when you need them but blah, I hate them. The second time I was released from the hospital, strawberry season had just started. My doctor was on vacation and the doctor covering for him said I couldn't have any fresh fruit and vegetables. I was upset. Fortunately, I saw my doctor in a couple of days and I pigged out on strawberries. Thirteen years ago I guess there was debate on what fresh foods you could eat.
Not everyone loses their hair. I was pretty cocky and didn't think I would lose it. I cut my hair very short and was thinking I needed a haircut and then poof, it was gone. My cousin didn't go bald although her hair became very thin. I know I wanted my hair to come back brown, thick and curly. It came back with a lot of white, baby fine and one curl. My daughter was only nine when I was diagnosed so I had her make a huge "Bald is Beautiful" sign for the door and a t-shirt I wore to chemo.
Rest tonight.
(5,673 posts)(sung to the tune Autumn Leaves)
The falling hairs drift by my shoulders
The falling hairs of white and grey.
I see the hair, upon my jacket
I just started seeing them today.
Since it's going away
And soon will be gone
I thought I'd make up
A silly song.
I'll soon be bald, no lash, no brow
No hair to comb, no hair to style
The falling hairs drift by my shoulders
The falling hairs of white and grey.
Had to get several of the platelet transfusions and always felt better afterwards. Hopefully Carol will too.
Carol has always had the most beautiful head of hair. Her hair was always so long and thick and just as beautiful as she is
I know It will be difficult for her if she loses it but it will grow back!
Please let her know I'm thinking about her
(y'all) all the time!
(7,719 posts)They were at 16,000 yesterday, and I was told anything under 20,000 is dangerous. They will go down some tomorrow because they don't last that long, but hopefully she is producing her own and keep her counts high enough to be in the safe range, and get to come home Wednesday. And, wearing those masks all day is really uncomfortable when your sitting for long periods. Carol was in good spirits today, and was really hoping to come home tomorrow, but she is learning to acquiesce to the doctor's decisions, which is a big step for her.
(11,268 posts)Hope it keeps coming....
(21,210 posts)who could ever have imagined that we would get excited about blood counts! Agree about the masks, my nose always seemed to itch, all for a good cause and much easier to say when you're not wearing one for hours!
Hope you're using those alcohol packets to wipe down the bedside tray, phone and door knobs ... just in case you are wondering what to do during the day and to keep you on your toes
(7,719 posts)....with what little time I have at home. I'm doing whatever I can think of to make things as germ free as possible for when she returns home. New hepafilter in the A/C unit, disinfecting carpets, the entire bathroom, everything on the bed from the mattress up, and even the furniture. But I hope her immune system will recover enough to make all that effort needless. I hate for her to have to be in the hospital, but I want her where she can get the best care and have the best chance of recovery.
I'm hoping today is another good news day. and not a downer. We could use a string of those!
(21,210 posts)which is really just busy work and might be helpful, what a lucky lady Carol is to have you look out for here interests.
Hope it was a good day!
You are doing such a great job. I am wondering if we should get a thread pinned so your ideas and everyone elses could be used as a reference. There is so much information in the threads.
(135,060 posts)I think it would be a great idea to have some pinned threads for those in the process or soon to go through it.
(3,344 posts)I have been blown away by the wisdom and love here. I am not sure if a subhost can pin a thread. Tomorrow I will try to learn. I am too pooped tonight. It's the first day in a couple of weeks I have felt anything like a human being so I took the fur kids to the dog park, went for a long walk and cleaned.
(135,060 posts)so glad you had a nice day with the fur kids.