Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumOne of the Most Important Ideas I Ever Heard In Meetings: "You Can't Change The Past"
That is it: You, Me, the Next Guy, or Whoever,....".Cannot Change The Past"
Yes, we can change conditions in the present, to help those hurt by the past.......but we cannot change the past.
Therefore, obsessing about the past, often is a waste of time...So, Why This Post for Today.....?
.....Most of you already know why I have posted this ......Yes, I have been obsessing about the past, and there is not
much I can do about it. Yes, you knew that. The exact circumstances are not that important, but spending time on
those ideas is important. Why?...After a certain amount of time, that obsession is..."A WASTE OF TIME"
...AND, My time on earth is limited by my age. I am over 70, have had major medical stuff, and really don't need
to waste the time that I have left. But, I still waste it, thinking about the .."Past.". &............
..............................I should have done this,
...............................or I should have done that 2 years ago, or 15 years ago.
............Just so you know, this prayer is about: NOT BEING ABLE TO CHANGE THE PAST!!! .....
............ God grant me the serenity
............ To accept the things I cannot change,
............ The courage to change the things I can,
............ And the wisdom to know the difference.
Thank You For Reading This,

(9,607 posts)I should have done, could have done...
(5,595 posts)I'm actually pretty good about not obsessing about the past but there are still times it happens. Its is important to reflect on the past but only has a means to better yourself and society in the future.
(12,282 posts)bif
(24,807 posts)Don't focus on who you were, but who you want to be.