Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumDoes this site also include things like withdrawal from benzodiazapines (xanax)?
I was on a very low dose for nearly 2 weeks (.25 mg 3 or 4 times a day) for anxiety.
I recently cut down to 2 times and then just 1/2 pill 3 times a day.
I still feel like I am having withdrawal sides effects. Of course the stresses due to covid are not helping either.
Anyone else here experience anything like this?

(34,773 posts)a prescribed drug?
(10,632 posts)I assume that your weening process has been at the direction of your Dr. That would be the proper way to minimize any effects.
(16,663 posts)Call your doctor, tell him about it and ask if you should be doing anything differently.
(22,240 posts)Actually even though my dr. is aware I am withdrawing I consulted a pharmacist on it.
He said I was doing it correctly. But another pharmacist thought I shouldn't be experiencing side effects.
(16,663 posts)I was on it for longer than you have been and I believe my doctor had me go cold turkey with an extremely old fashioned tranquilizer to reduce side effects. I felt like my mind was at the end of a very long tunnel. Call your doctor and tell him/her what's going on.
Response to triron (Original post)
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(17,757 posts)When he was suggesting that I reduce my Xanax and I quit cold turkey. I had been taking it for around a year. Within 24 hours of stopping I started getting sick, I kept getting worse and worse and never connected it to the Xanax. I ended up in the ER thinking I was dying. After a single dose I was back to normal.....
After that, I decided that I wanted nothing to do with that drug. It took me almost a year of reducing by tiny amounts until I was off of it. I know that that is atypical, but it is not unheard of either. I would't touch it again with a 27 12 pole. For some people it is very addictive.
If you want to take medical advice from a plumber, I will tell you that if it were me, I would get a pill cutter and very slowly taper off of it.
(22,240 posts)irisblue
(34,773 posts)The body symptoms feel like flu, which now is doubly worrisome
Your anxiety, insomnia, depression, restlessness, concentration probs, panic attacks can take awhile as well.
Have you considered looking up NA online groups? I personally have found those groups useful. Even reading how other ppl are doing & feeling
Also, please consider a journal, even one of those 2x3 pocket-sized notebooks. Write down day, time, feeling and what I did with that feeling, just a few words can show you if it is a dose dependant event.
And some one on DU is always around.
(22,240 posts)irisblue
(34,773 posts)Chainfire
(17,757 posts)I certainly don't know the answer to your question. My story is anecdotal and I have no idea how others have been able to handle getting off the drug. I will tell you this, the doctor who prescribed the meds did not believe the problems that I was having, and I am sure that the drug reps were telling him that that kind withdrawal problem was just preposterous. Of course, many doctors assume that their patients are idiots and shouldn't disagree with their leaned opinions. Of course it is possible that my reaction was psychosomatic, but I don't think so, and it really doesn't matter, the results were real to me.
I do have some other odd reactions to drugs, so I may be somewhat unique. For instance, Morphine or Codine drugs make it impossible for me to sleep. Antihistamines that make other drowsy has the same insomniac reaction. My adult son has the exact same issues, so I chalk it up to genetics. I used to have to fight with his pediatric doctors who thought they knew more about my son's reactions to the drugs than my wife and I who directly observed the reactions. We had one doctor who flat told us that we were wrong, that a certain medicine would make my son sleepy, not wire him out. That doc was full of shit.
Another clue may be that I may have a genetic abnormality is that am descended from a long line of alcoholics. As far back as my historical research can reach, (at least back to the time of the American Civil War) all of the men on my father's side have been drunks. We are also the variety of alcoholics that become mean rather than happy when drinking. My temper would even scare me when I drank. My brother and I both had the same issues, but we both just stopped drinking when we were in our 40s before it destroyed our lives.
So, what I am trying to say is trust yourself, do what feels right. You have lived in your body for a long time and, on many levels, understand it far better than your doctor. Doctors, although well trained, are, regardless of what they think, are not always right in the best way to treat you. It has been my experience over the last nearly 70 years that doctors are very quick to make a diagnosis, and very slow to change their minds even when the evidence indicates that they may have been wrong.
(22,240 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Halloween. October 31,..It was awful, lasts about a week, then improves gradually. Didn't sleep for 2 days, but gradually started sleeping. 2 or 3 hours..then longer. I remember after a week or so, my mind cleared up. I was driving my car much better, far more aware of other cars...(I had gotten into 3 accidents while taking Benzos...(none since 2006)
...PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP.... are you taking half a pill, 3 times a day now? Yes, or No?
If you are taking half a pill, 3 times a day may be going through withdrawal, but you are not off completely yet. Be sure to contact your doctor while you do this. Withdrawal is very difficult, but doable.
......Just don't give up Yes, Zanax is as addictive as booze, or hard drugs. (at least benzos were for me,..took them for 20 years.) Functioned much better after quitting. Hadn't traveled much, but took a trip to Japan about 8 months after quitting.. That trip was wonderful, and it changed my life in a positive way. I wouldn't have been able to go if I was on that stuff. Keep in touch with your doctor.. and, also..
Very important, go to AA meetings, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Most meetings take people Zanax withdrawal. Just say you are trying to get off prescription drugs which are addictive. Most people in AA understand that.
(34,773 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)So altogether .25 mg per day. Felt calmer this morning than I have in a while.
Using aid of hypnotherapists recorded session ad acupuncture 3 times per week.
I may have to reduce acupuncture due to covid-19 though. We have 38 cases in our county now
(Bernalillo in NM). Concerned my acupuncturist may potentially get infected.
(34,773 posts)Accupuncture worked well for me. Glad to know it is helping you