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Having a grouchy bad day. I'm going to work on the principle that saying it out loud & writing it down is a good way to stop a circular thought, that keeps going back to a particular place.

(19,013 posts)Also watching a bit of the March for our Lives event and listening to the wonderful young people has perked me up today.
(34,831 posts)More caffeine and I'll be craeling across the living room ceiling, squeaking & scaring the cats. Decaf tea, non verbal music on the CD player & a book. Maybe a nap
(3,163 posts)No, saying it out loud is useless, because it keeps you in your own head, focusing on self and thinking about how you feel. Stop thinking about how you feel, and take some action. Get out of the house and go for a walk, even if it's cold, windy and raining like hell.
Better yet, find someone who is in need and go offer them a hand. Help them out. Think about them instead of yourself.
Basic lesson I learned more than 35 years ago from a guy who learned it before I did and passed it on to me. The worst enemy I have is myself, and the guy who will get me to go back to drinking is myself. The one person I cannot keep company with is myself.
Maybe find a meeting and go to it. Or call your sponsor. But sitting around bitching about how you feel is without question the worst thing you can do.
(10,633 posts)Even helping with something small, will get you out of your own head.
(34,831 posts)It's a big group. There is an industrial strength pot/urn and a midrange urn/pot that is made.
mountain grammy
(27,598 posts)part of being human. Hang in.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Open to all...So I just came from a meeting, feeling grouchy. So I decided to go to indoor track. I walked into this large building with the track, an ice rink, gym, fitness classes....etc. And the stairs going up, were closed. So I had to take the back stairs..Ok, so I take the back stairs..and start walking around the track. After a few laps, I stop and sit down on some chairs located outside the track in what is a very small lounge. Down the hall, there was an exercise class going on inside a large room, and the leader of the class had the door open, and had all the sound equipment as loud as it could get. So you could hear the exercise orders and sounds,and awful music, as you are sitting in small lounge..about 2O feet away from the class, and situated right outside the indoor track...
.........So I get mad..why do they have the sound so loud..what is the point? I have been going to the track for 20 years, and have never heard any class have the sound that loud. People who are sitting and resting from walking, hear this loud noise going on..I go down to the health club and complain about the sound. Then I go back to the track and walk around for about 1/4 of a mile...then get into the car and come home...So what is the point????Is there a point????????????
Yes....The point is that I got to the walking track, and walked around about a half mile total, and in the process got my mind off of me..Getting my mind off of me, is not easy, but today I did it for a time. Dealing with the loud noise, and walking around, and thinking I will do this or that....helped me take my mind off of me.. That is the point..
......Going to the walking track and seeing other people walking and other experiences takes my mind off of me.
Also.....Going to a meeting, and listening to what is said and maybe taking notes, (not necessary) but that also takes my mind off of me. The listening part is very important Trying to help someone with something, and focusing on them, helps me to get my mind off of me...And that is a good thing too. ..WHY???
"ME".. ain't a good neighborhood to be in. I tend to think about this and that, and then that and this.....Mostly negative stuff that reflects on me...I am no good etc....So focusing on something else is a very good thing. Once in a while, I think of the HP..(higher power) and think what would HP suggest I do? I already know what HP would suggest. HP would suggest I get out of myself and do something to be with other people....Help someone, listen to someone, walk around with people, go to a meeting..That is what my HP would recommend..Sometimes I listen, and sometimes I don't ...That is me...HP says shut up Stuart, that is enough...ok......bye bye......