A New Batman Is Less a Dark Knight Than a 'Weird and Creepy' One
I am "ride or die" BTAS. Huge fan. Have the DVDs and watch them frequently.
So, I am very stoked for this show.
It's gotten lukewarm reviews so far, but I will definitely be there on Aug. 1st watching!!!
Here's an article about the show from the NYT:
The story of Batman has been told in comic books and onscreen many times. But if theres one person who should get the chance to tell it again, it is Bruce Timm.
Timm is a veteran artist, animator and producer who helped create Batman: The Animated Series, which made its debut in the Fox Kids programming block in 1992. Following on the heels of Tim Burtons hit 1989 film, this Batman show often abbreviated as BTAS brought a somber atmosphere and sophisticated storytelling to the adventures of Gotham Citys costume-clad vigilante.
The show dove deep into the colorful rogues gallery of its title hero and helped stoke the flames of Bat-fandom when the movie franchise started to run aground. There were more than 100 episodes in its initial Fox Kids run and further installments titled The New Batman Adventures that ran on Kids WB.
So a few years ago when Timm was asked if he would like to develop a new Batman animated series that would rekindle the spirit of that venerated, foundational show, he knew exactly how he felt.

(6,384 posts)memories of watching the animated series after school with my grandma 🙂 and I recently rewatched it on Max.
(97 posts)I was raising my daughter somewhere in there. I was a big fan of Batman Beyond and Avatar, the last airbender. We watched them together. It's always nice to have an excuse to watch an animated show I don't have an excuse now but maybe I can sneak it in somewhere along the way.