Related: About this forumMany of Today's Processed Foods Engineered By Big Tobacco: Addictive Strategies, Fat, Salt, Sugar
'Many of todays unhealthy foods were brought to you by Big Tobacco,' Washington Post, Sept. 19, 2023. Ed. - A new study suggests that tobacco companies, who were skilled at marketing cigarettes, used similar strategies to hook people on processed foods.
For decades, tobacco companies hooked people on cigarettes by making their products more addictive. Now, a new study suggests that companies may have used a similar strategy to hook people on processed foods. In the 1980s, tobacco giants Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds acquired the major food companies Kraft, General Foods and Nabisco, allowing tobacco firms to dominate Americas food supply and reap billions in sales from popular brands such as Oreo cookies, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and Lunchables.
By the 2000s, the tobacco giants spun off their food companies and largely exited the food industry but not before leaving a lasting legacy on the foods that we eat.
The new research, published in the journal Addiction, focuses on the rise of hyper-palatable foods, which contain potent combinations of fat, sodium, sugar and other additives that can drive people to crave and overeat them. The Addiction study found that in the decades when the tobacco giants owned the worlds leading food companies, the foods that they sold were far more likely to be hyper-palatable than similar foods not owned by tobacco companies.
In the past 30 years, hyper-palatable foods have spread rapidly into the food supply, coinciding with a surge in obesity and diet-related diseases. 🍪
In the US, the steepest increase in the prevalence of hyper-palatable foods occurred between 1988 - 2001 when Philip Morris & R.J. Reynolds owned the worlds leading food companies. Even though the tobacco companies no longer own these food brands, researchers say the findings matter because many of the ultra-processed foods that we eat today were engineered by an industry that wrote the playbook on products that are highly-palatable, addictive and appealing to children. We found that tobacco companies selectively disseminated hyper-palatable foods into the food supply, said Tera Fazzino, the lead author of the new study.
Its important for people to understand where these foods came from and who was responsible for putting them into our food system in a way that saturates the environment. For the study, researchers analyzed millions of internal tobacco industry documents that shed light on how the companies designed their products to be addictive and the strategies they used to market them.. R.J. Reynolds owned Nabisco with brands like Oreo cookies, Teddy Grahams, Ritz crackers, SnackWells. Philip Morris once owned the worlds largest food company, Kraft-General Foods, seller of Kraft Mac & Cheese, Jello-O, Kool-Aid, Oscar Mayer hot dogs...
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(17,517 posts)appalachiablue
(43,474 posts)thatdemguy
(577 posts)Do you pass a law that food has to taste bad. Food with fat, salt and other things taste good. Take ranch dressing, the normal stuff has fat in it, when they do the fat free version it gets tons of sugar. If you made fat free and did not put all the sugar in it, it would probably taste bad and people would not buy it.
The kraft normal has 2 grams of sugar the fat free has 11 grams, 500% increase.
(43,474 posts)chemical additives esp. unhealthy preservatives included in processed food so that items hold up for shipping long distances and stocking on shelves for months.
People can wean off processed food for fresher tasting healthier options with less additives if they become educated and make the effort. More natural foods can be satisfying.
We know food choices are difficult for many Americans who have limited time and funds, and because many areas in the US have 'food deserts'-- a lack of stores with fresh produce. But pay now or pay later is what people should think about as well, at least I hope.
(577 posts)Because its so true, you eat something that is VERY good, you want to eat more of it, It is so much easier to over eat something that tastes good v something that tastes bad.
It is also good for sales, as people will buy something that tastes good over something that tastes bad.
(43,474 posts)substances, along with other additives. They go directly to the brain's reward center which companies know well. All to drive you to crave, buy and eat more.
(The same was done with cigarettes years ago, over 1,000 chemicals were added to make them more pleasurable, addictive and damaging like vanilla, clove, mint, etc.) .. "Chemicals used in popular flavorings like clove, mint and vanilla that are added to cigarettes, e-liquids and other tobacco products can harm blood vessel cells that help keep the heart healthy, a new study shows..."
(More from the WaPo Food article).. "The findings suggest that tobacco companies engineered processed foods to hit what is known as our bliss point and elicit cravings, said Ashley Gearhardt, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan who studies food addiction..."
(43,474 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,532 posts)appalachiablue
(43,474 posts)Deep State Witch
(11,640 posts)I remember binging on Snackwell Cookies back in the late '80's.
(12,388 posts)Plus, most of them have traditions of local markets with fresh produce and making meals from scratch. Many people in the US rely too much on going to the grocery once a week (or two) and stocking up on the processed foods that dont spoil in that amount of time. I understand the time constraints for busy families, but certainly our public schools could do a better job of providing nutritious foods. Heres a link to some of the ways European countries regulate foods.
(43,474 posts)better regulation. But fast food has grown internationally in many places unfortunately. It's popular in Brazil, Saudi Arabia (KFC) etc. Gotta get rid of this unhealthy system.
Agree, overworked and uninformed Americans are much too dependent on cheap, available fast food. Look at the detrimental health and environmental impacts.
Thanks for the info.
(15,013 posts)Oh you want "Lo/No fat" foods? jack up the salt and sugar. Lo sugar "diet" foods" jack up the fat and salt. High BP? looking for "lo salt foods". Jack up the fat and sugar..uff..
Look at the ingredients in processed foods and the first few ingredients are the most prevelant.. Salt/fat/sugar. Next is the shit that makes it shelf stable.. ie chemicals.
Why does a twinky last for years in stores ?.
First step is to stay away from processed foods and especially Fat/salt/sugar.
This would address our " ̶H̶e̶a̶l̶t̶h̶c̶a̶r̶e̶" oops it's really a "Sickcare" system. After you have messed your self up with crazy amounts of salt/sugar/fat the medical industrial complex wants to give you medicines and procedures to fix the ill health of the patient. Don't get me wrong, modern medicine is wonderful but
prevention is a lot better than the alternative.
Who lives the longest with the least amount of sickness? find out and Do what they do..
Ok rant mode off.