Related: About this forumthey denied my hubbys claim. I'm so
depressed I'm in tears. I've been working 2 jobs just to make ends meet. My hubby has a permanent trach tube, disintegrating larynx and depression/anxiety issues, but they think he can work???
This is messed up. I'm lost.

(62 posts)They always (most of the time) deny initial claims. Lawyer up, and most disability lawyers will get it for your husband.
(17,796 posts)

(12,912 posts)getting one.
(495 posts)You need to take a deep breath and get some support. Caregiver support is critical for your sanity. Taking care of your hubby, working two jobs is sure to cause some major depression. Please make sure to seek some time/help for yourself. I know it's hard, most of us have been there. Please stay strong.
(62 posts)procon
(15,805 posts)Get a lawyer and let him fight for you so you can take care of your DH, and yourself, too.
(2,331 posts)I got it on my first application but probably in large part because the application was written by a medical student while I was on the psych ward this spring. Also a good lawyer. If you're in the NYC/LI area I'll be happy to give you the lawyer's name.
(14,779 posts)The SSA Appeal forms are here:
The Actual 'Request for a hearing" form:
All you have to do is fill in the name, address and Social Security Number, as to the question "4. I REQUEST A HEARING BEFORE AN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE. I disagree with the determination because:" Just say "I am still disabled".
The sooner the appeal is in, the quicker you will have the hearing. Once the appeal has been filed then look for an attorney.
(2,437 posts)thucythucy
(8,830 posts)I know so many people who've been through this process, and it's always stressful, hard, even cruel. It's like whoever came up with this process deliberately set out to make sure only the tenacious survive.
I agree with all the advice given here--get an attorney, file an appeal. EVERYONE I know who has filed for either SSI or SSDI was turned down at first, including a spinal cord injured quadriplegic. I really believe they just deny everyone, figuring if you don't appeal then you really don't need it. Messed up, I know.
Please check back to let us know the outcome, and please please please take care of yourself.
I'll be thinking of you.
Best wishes.
Response to Saphire (Original post)
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(4,412 posts)see if you can get a medical source statement from his doctor. If his doctor is willing to grade his limitations it would really help his claim. Like everyone else said consult an attorney but please do not go with an internet attorney or a 1-800 attorney. Stay local, someone who knows the ALJ's in your area in the event you have to request a hearing. If you're having trouble finding an Attorney in your area contact NOSSCR (National Organization of Social Security Claim Representatives) they have a referral list. You can also contact your county BAR Assoc. they also have a referral list.