Related: About this forumIt's not just Virginia that's implementing crazy laws
Thanks to the asshole that is currently running our state, the legislature is introducing a lot of the same things, plus not allowing new clinics to open and a rule to disallow clinics that provide abortions to move - which basically invites people to blow them up. If you can remove the building, then the physicians that practice there cannot go anywhere else to practice until it's rebuilt.
I fail to see how any of this is constitutional. There are no rules on ANY other types of physicians stating that they cannot move their place of business (or that they have to prove that they can perform an abortion of the type that NO ONE ever performs anymore just to keep their license).

(135,060 posts)7 states sue over Obama birth control coverage rule
They're challenging mandate that employees of religiously affiliated businesses receive birth control coverage
updated 2/23/2012 6:49:05 PM ET
LINCOLN, Neb. Seven states asked a federal judge Thursday to block an Obama administration mandate that requires birth control coverage for employees of religious-affiliated hospitals, schools and outreach programs.
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court of Nebraska, alleges that the new rule violates the First Amendment rights of groups that object to the use of contraceptives.
It marks the first legal challenge filed by states.
The rule, announced as part of the federal health care law, has come under fire from religious groups that object to the use of contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. In response to the criticism, Obama administration officials have said they will shift the requirement from the employers to health insurers themselves.
The lawsuit was filed by attorneys general from Nebraska, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. Three Nebraska-based groups Catholic Social Services, Pius X Catholic High School and the Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America are also plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
and on top of this you have all the other states with trying to interfer with abortion services, etc.
(65,616 posts)If so, I will be protesting in Austin as soon as these insane people bring their criminal agenda to my state.
(26,582 posts)It's before the courts, the 5th Circuit ruled in favor of the ultrasound law, overturning a lower court's decision.
(Reuters) - A Texas law requiring abortion providers to show or describe an ultrasound image to a woman of her pregnancy and to play sounds of the fetal heart does not violate the Constitution, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday.
The court ruled that the ultrasound requirements do not infringe on abortion providers' free speech rights, overturning a lower federal court's decision.
"The required disclosures of a sonogram, the fetal heartbeat, and their medical descriptions are the epitome of truthful, non-misleading information," Chief Judge Edith Jones wrote for the three-judge panel.
The Texas law, enacted in 2011, requires abortion providers to display the ultrasound images and describe them in detail. While a woman seeking an abortion can decline to view the legally required ultrasound, she cannot decline to hear the physician's description of it unless she qualifies for an exception due to rape, incest or fetal abnormality.
(35,568 posts)Has the AMA made any statements about or taken a stand on this?
(5,649 posts)I haven't seen much of anything come out medical institutions. It's likely that they don't want to be seen as "partisan", but we could sure use the help here.
(if anyone has seen the AMA or similar respond to these laws, please let me know. I just haven't seen anything from them)
(135,060 posts)Top Medical Association Doctors Oppose Sonogram Law, Cuts to Family Planning
by: Katherine Haenschen
Tue Jan 31, 2012 at 09:59 AM CST
The Texas Tribune ran an interesting interview with the doctors who head the American Medical Association and Texas Medical Association today. Topics included Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement rates, the American Care Act and its individual mandate, and the general politicization of healthcare.
The doctors interviewed were American Medical Association President Peter Carmel, a New Jersey-based pediatric neurosurgeon, and Texas Medical Association President Bruce Malone, an Austin orthopedic surgeon. There was an interesting -- and very insightful nugget in there about the Republican Party's war on women's health. Carmel directly called out the sonogram law as a "needless, dangerous interference" in medicine, and both decried cuts to family planning and attacks on Planned Parenthood. Malone went so far as to call it "stupid."
more: http://www.burntorangereport.com/diary/11802/top-medical-association-doctors-oppose-sonogram-law-cuts-to-family-planning
(5,649 posts)You're awesome maddezmom!
(135,060 posts)¬snip¬
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional association of more than 55,000 doctors, has general standards for ultrasonography in pregnancy, including when it is appropriate to administer a trans-vaginal ultrasound versus a trans-abdominal ultrasound, i.e., the jelly on the belly ultrasound typically seen in movies.
In 2009, ACOG published a practice bulletin developed collaboratively with the American College of Radiology and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. For first-trimester ultrasound scanning, ACOG recommends trans-vaginal or trans-perineal scanning if the trans-abdominal exam is not definitive. ACOG offers a list of 12 indications for doing this type of scan, which include attempts to confirm a suspected ectopic pregnancy, to assess for fetal anomalies, to evaluate vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain, or to estimate gestational age. ACOG spokesperson Amanda Hall pointed out to The American Independent that abortion is not on the list of indications for a trans-vaginal sonogram.
more: http://www.americanindependent.com/211906/virginia-ultrasound-bill-at-odds-with-medical-standards
(35,568 posts)I expected them to take this stand but there's always a small doubt you could be in store for another surprise. They need to up the volume on this.