Related: About this forumNeoma, you had no right to sack the other hosts. You need to reinstate them and step down...
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Neoma (a host of the Feminists group).
Seriously, if you really need to have a group to control, I'll give you the Australia group, but this group is one where a host shouldn';t do what you've done and totally ignore other hosts and members like me who PM'd you several times asking you to talk to the other hosts...
What you've done is a huge abuse of power and it needs to be undone. If you won't do it then I hope the admin do...

(6,086 posts)patrice
(47,992 posts)It looks as though attempts to remove a host or co-host were made by both sides, but since that can only be done by the main host, it was N who succeeded.
(110,159 posts)given away.
(36,174 posts)This had nothing to do with the LGBt community. The other hosts weren't disagreeing with her on that. As a member of this group, I was involved in the vote that was happening before Neoma seized power and had voted for Red Queen and Justiseischeap. I also wanted neoma to step down as she's been dishonest in her dealings with group members and hosts.
(49,212 posts)I think they've had it too. Can't say I blame them.
(108,339 posts)I think you would want to hear that from the admins, if so... I have no dog in this fight at this point, but I am appalled at the unilateral actions being taken. This is WRONG>
(49,212 posts)I have no reason to believe that's the case.
(108,339 posts)Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)That would be a very dumb lie given that admin can PPR any of us at any time for any reason.
(108,339 posts)I'm not saying that this applies in this situation, but I think it foolish to assume without verifying.
(36,174 posts)William769
(57,291 posts)I applaud her.
(29,135 posts)In fact, her extreme and unfair actions have obviously made things worse.
(57,291 posts)I am sure she will address it when she is back online.
(108,339 posts)such unilateral (and very undemocratic action). The lead host taking it upon herself to cut off the voice and participation of all the other ELECTED co-hosts is NOT the way to fix this. That is the kind of thing that we've seen carried out by RW governors, like Walker this year. It is NOT a tactic to be admired. It is NOT the way progressives act. It simply is NOT acceptable.
Frankly, I think all the hosts--primary and all co-hosts-- should stand for election--NOW. I see no other fair way to move forward.
(57,291 posts)It's that simple.
(108,339 posts)Honestly. Are we still a progressive website or have we turned the tables and are now supporting autocratic authoritarian dictatorial tactics? Who took the William769 I've known and replaced him? How on earth, can you justify this?
(57,291 posts)We know who uses that type of tactic.
(108,339 posts)Regardless of whatever transpired, seriously... how CAN you defend this?
(57,291 posts)Bottom line is the system works. If people want to hate me for that, then so be it.
(108,339 posts)And now there is offense on top of offense--regardless of who might have been right or wrong from the start.
(57,291 posts)Perfect example.
(108,339 posts)While I agree that alert was inappropriate, that you are pointing to THAT as the example leaves me baffled. I suppose when you find yourself with a host that you disagree with--which will inevitably happen at some point, you may not feel so ready to defend such unilateral and dictatorial actions as the host has taken here. You might want to consider that.... This is setting a very unfortunate precedent if Skinner et al allows it to stand.
(57,291 posts)Showing toxic people and if you look at the newest pinned thread you will see plenty more.
(108,339 posts)I fear that you are not being honest with yourself. I say that respectfully. I am not apportioning blame to any individual, group or subgroup, but the toxicity is destroying a forum that ought to have an important role, given current politics. While you may have the greatest confidence and personal affection for the current (self-designated?) host, it is apparent that they have lost that among a substantial subset of the forum. In response, it appears they are resorting to the most inappropriate and dictatorial tactics in desperation. That is hardly the way to restore any kind of trust--much less civility.
(57,291 posts)They got what they deserved.
I can see this is getting us nowhere so have a good night.
regnaD kciN
(26,817 posts)Response to hlthe2b (Reply #15)
Post removed
(57,291 posts)Who told me to delete what. come on answer up. You skipped out of the other thread to stop from answering a question are you going to do this one the same way?
(110,159 posts)and believe, there was a "they" involved. this is not just about neoma
(36,174 posts)Considering some who have suddenly appeared in this group and cheering this dictatorial move on were only a few hours ago calling a forum host who locked a thread that wasn't against the SOP a rogue host and demanding blood, the hypocrisy is shining right through...
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)(okay 2)
1) Admin were aware before the fact
2) People are really sick of the toxicity and not blaming "feminists" but self identified "protected feminists" for it.
Your call on how you interpret this all...
(14,860 posts)Neoma told me in a PM that she'd asked Skinner for advice about two hosts and wasn't going to do anything until she heard back from him. I gave her a suggestion about how to best move forward and never heard back.
In fact, when Neoma was asked about reinstating redqueen as a host, she was all for it. A few days later, she removed redqueen as a host.
(36,174 posts)I don't know where this story that the admin were aware and approved of it has come from, especially when Neoma's refused to communicate with anyone in this group in any manner...
I just noticed she's gone and locked the voting thread. Gotta quash that revolutionary and dangerous idea of voting!!
(36,174 posts)Yes, people are sick of the toxicity. They're the ones who were in here trying to work things out, not folk who suddenly turn up now to applaud a host unilaterally sacking hosts who'd we (us being the members of this group) had elected fair and square...
Old and In the Way
(37,540 posts)Why not give her a chance and see if the climate becomes more conducive to a variety of legitimate opinions?
(108,339 posts)And, you think THAT earns her the right to be "given a chance?" You believe THAT will be conducive to an improved climate?
I am absolutely appalled and I've had no dog in this fight. How can you think that? How can you defend that?
(57,291 posts)I'm sure the Admins in box is filling up as we speak, but I think it's safe to assume they already know whats going on.
(108,339 posts)Old and In the Way
(37,540 posts)Neoma was not going to be railroaded out of her top host position. Good for her. There's a whole backstory of having her position undermined by the co-hosts who want to run this group like their own private clubhouse. Like you, I have no dog fighting...but, like you, I have an opinion which we obviously don't share. So it goes.
(108,339 posts)Is this incorrect? I was told that Red Queen was the elected host and that N assumed the role without asking for a new vote?
If so, this is NOT the way GROUPS are set up to function.
(110,159 posts)redqueen retired pissed about gd. two day later she came back. i asked neoma if she would let redqueen have her place. she said no. she caused problems in the forum. she was not representing our issues and agenda. she got into a personal disagreement with a host, kicked her off, and banned from forum. she quit talking to us. this is the first i have heard from her since saturday. we asked her to step down. we started a vote two days ago. redqueen is voted in.
(57,291 posts)Now try and dodge it this time.
(110,159 posts)William769
(57,291 posts)Don't try to muddy the facts.
(110,159 posts)William769
(57,291 posts)How does that work?
(36,174 posts)Yeah. good for her! Listening to the wishes of the members of a group and co-hosts is so over-rated anyway!
I don't know you from a bar of soap and haven't spotted you here discussing feminist issues, so where are you getting this crap about a private clubhouse? And why complain about something like that when yr backing someone who is treating this place as their own private fiefdom?
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)That is the old structure. I will let new structure speak for itself, but what can I say, I am IMPRESSED.
Down with vile attacks.
(36,174 posts)It's a sad day when a DUer can say they're impressed with a host going rogue and sacking the other hosts who had all been democratically elected by the group. Democracy, bah. It's so fucking overrated!