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Well fuckity fuck would you look at that? Got news for this misogynist, any woman worth her salt - whether sweary or not would walk over burning hot coals to get away from him.

(5,358 posts)For the record:
Vagina? Really?! Lol! How vulgar!
ETA: Im guessing my love of the word twatwaffle makes me a No also.
Im simply devastated by this news, just shattered.
(10,765 posts)That kinda talk jiggles my key.🤔😉
More Nasty Women please. They hate Christian Repugs. Gotta be good!
(18,435 posts)monkeyman1
(5,109 posts)Budi
(15,325 posts)'MasculinitySaturday' ??
(54,732 posts)

(54,515 posts)MLAA
(18,998 posts)JohnnyLib2
(11,268 posts)

marble falls
(63,643 posts)CrispyQ
(39,213 posts)Fuckin' A.
(5,358 posts)
(39,213 posts)

(9,685 posts)is that we have had to put up with this bollocks from wankers like him our entire lives. Fuck that is enough to make a saint swear!
(122,596 posts)Scrivener7
(54,515 posts)sheshe2
(90,327 posts)

(29,359 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)And for the record, vagina is the correct term for vagina.
So, what do Good polite women say...
My puss, vajayjay, boner garage?
(54,515 posts)Because we are children at heart.
(29,941 posts)That dick will never fuck this hoo hah.
Gawd damn straight. Bugger off.
(54,515 posts)
(19,439 posts)I believe that's the correct terminology.
What do you want to bet this little dweeb has a pet name for his manly bits? Something like Mr. Johnson, or Big Guy, when he's actually hung like a Gerbil.
(26,331 posts)Is that a Catholic thing?
(54,515 posts)I thought it was the funniest thing I ever heard.
And yes, I am pretty sure she was Catholic.
(26,331 posts)around for 7 decades now.
(54,515 posts)"an older woman" at the time was probably the age I am now!
Mr. Evil
(3,181 posts)Never heard that one before. That is top tier vulgar! I love it!
(15,325 posts)Well now. I guess maybe we'll just let the #masculines fight it out between themselves.
Check out this shite!!
SNIP re: #MasculinitySaturday
He also hit out at Amerix stating: "Who is this @amerix bloke that misogynists are tagging, and what is this he has done with his masculinity that is supposed to make me tremble? Is he our new Akuku Danger?"
Being Valentine's Day eve, Amerix asked men to "buy a goat" instead of spending any money on flowers or chocolate for their female companions.
"Men, flowers are for goats. Chocolates are obesogenic. Buy a goat instead," Eric tweeted on Saturday.
He went on to tackle Mr Ndii in a tweet which read: "Men, never trust any man who takes the side of women in a debate. That's a classic White Knight and there is a pandemic of White Knights."
Is this @amerix /eric?
(90,327 posts)
(15,325 posts)

(15,243 posts)love English and its magnificent variety and think we are abandoning it in many ways. My friend once told me that her young daughter was called a name (not even sure what it was) and she and her friends made up a huge list of names to call the boy with no curse words on it Happened ages ago but I always remember it. But really "vagina"? Plus always great having some hideous, pus filled, petty, tiny brained male tell women how they should be acting.
(34,502 posts)to make up "cutsie" names for even our own body parts? VAGINA you DICK!
Blue Owl
(55,571 posts)Who is this tool -- Eric tRump???
(122,596 posts)Layzeebeaver
(1,911 posts)Demobrat
(10,070 posts)wants to pretend he can be picky.
(5,353 posts)all of the above. I almost feel sorry for him, but not much. What a fucking jerk.
(3,268 posts)no hair grows upon them except the easily cleared bits of their lady parts. I say this because I have massive experience with the ladies. Crude language would never be used nor could they ever not adore me. I am a male God and all women want me. I mean-I hope so-Am I somehow wrong?
(19,439 posts)but I've noticed they always sit by large dogs that do.
(113,131 posts)She'll never gain an ounce, she'll never talk back, and she'll always be ":ready."
Every patriarch should have at least one. Get rich quick, you can have a whole harem.
Just stay the hell away from human women.
(73,525 posts)F*** my ... with your big d***. Although the word wasn't vagina. And do remember one who used to wear a black cowboy hat and spank me and tell me to call her "boss lady "
Btw. All women are emotional too. Men aren't. We just hold it inside until we have a heart attack.
(7,265 posts)I do not spew obscenities, I enunciate them clearly like a fucking lady.
I have seen it in cross stitch.
Mr. Evil
(3,181 posts)I'm guessing when MasculinitySaturday became a euphemism for an incel thing?
(10,414 posts)Wow, I'll pass if that's what you think being masculine is.
(869 posts)He is straight up MRM. Sad.
(607 posts)I thought it was MRA, (men's rights advocate)?
If you want to learn more about these kind of slimeballs, check out a website called "We Hunted the Mammoth".
https://wehuntedthemammoth.com/ Where the owner goes into depth on the so-called movement, including an article about what the site is, and the bonkers post where he got the name. https://wehuntedthemammoth.com/faq/
Originally the site was titled "Misogyny: I mock it", but that was a long time ago. He's still mocking them even with the new name. I enjoy the site like I enjoy reading about insurrectionists being arrested.
Response to Soph0571 (Original post)
Maggiemayhem This message was self-deleted by its author.
(83 posts)Well, that fucking dick can stay away from my emotionally damaged vagina!
I'm with Adele; I love to swear. Interestingly, my daughter will not.
Jon King
(1,910 posts)I let lose occasionally, yet my kid has never even said dang her entire life. So its definitely not hereditary!!
Wounded Bear
(61,516 posts)
Jon King
(1,910 posts)Dimwit lumps saying vagina with saying the F word? Dumb as a box of rocks.
ms liberty
(10,029 posts)Fuck that shit. There aren't many girls or women with that attitude anymore.
(54,515 posts)And when he finds one who will put up with his shit, he will punish all the ones who wouldn't by making the one who does act as you describe.
That kind of guy is weird that way.
(2,940 posts)Focus on your own loser life Eric. Dick head.
(10,765 posts)Have cracked me up here. I am a veteran sailor. We have a different language with colorful adjectives. So glad there are Ladies that talk that talk. Go girls. Locker room talk is fine for President though, but you women folk need to talk proper like. If at all.
And wait until Texas and Tex Cruz outlaw sex toys. Gonna hear some women speak their minds. Colorfully.
(6,913 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)night.
As for the pathetic, insecure, ignorant, misogynist referred to inthe OP;
Kindly insert your miniscule appendage in your oral cavity and swallow.
(5,358 posts)
(10,442 posts)Soon to be me after a year of hormone therapy. I'm gonna be a sailor mouth lady!