Related: About this forumEveryday violence against women
horrible tweet. But not especially surprising to any woman (I'm afraid)
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(1,757 posts)janterry
(4,429 posts)the train guard pulled her up quickly.
I'm sorry to say, I've spent a lot of time talking to my daughter about sex-based violence and how to protect herself. Honestly, when she goes off to college, I'm going to buy her pepper spray.
(54,515 posts)behavior, though not the fall on the tracks, happens everywhere, every day.
And men are either doing it, or are completely in denial that other men do it.
"Oh, you're just too sensitive." "Oh, it was a mistake." "Oh, they're just high-spirited kids." "Are you SURE that's what happened? Didn't she just trip? Anyone could trip." "Oh, it's because they were in a group. My Johnny would never act that way on his own!" "Oh, why would those women run into the midst of them in the first place?" "Oh, most boys (men) are not like that".
I love that last one. "I would never do that, so why are you blaming me for it?" "That's a one-off. An aberration. Most men don't behave like that, so it isn't a big deal." "Women are mean to men a lot too."
(4,429 posts)and the stories my daughter told me about him (shocking!).
His mother is a nice, college educated professional who would not believe he would act that way.
But he does .
(24,441 posts)Coyotes proving what big men they are.
Where did this happen?
(4,429 posts)n/t
(54,515 posts)Yes, they tend to find each other, but their behavior is not caused by the pack.
Get any of those men/boys/worms alone with a girl, and he will treat her badly.
(4,074 posts)As I replied in this thread, https://www.democraticunderground.com/100215544975
Behind, beneath, at base of human cruelty is the near universal truth of poorly integrated, sick-selves who never learned self-worth nor self-control and thus seek-satisfaction through sadism.
Within and under the question why? is a deeper truth about the human condition.
Why do people confuse/ conflate the 'self' with 'non-self'?
Why is it so hard to understand the beam and mote?
The 'self' is objectively this "body-mind-sense-complex with a name and a story.
No good comes when the truth-value-worth of this 'self' falsely becomes subjectively mixed-up with objectively other selves.
We all understand human-subjectivity and tolerate (or try to avoid) those with out of-bounds subjectivity (partly cultural/social boundaries). Those whose subjectivity is too-far-out are not tolerated (prisons, mental hospitals, shunning, exile).
Now, if we could only teach our kids the truth about their "self', they would all grow up saintly without the need/desire for crushing others to feel good themselves.