Related: About this forumIs anyone going to watch Season 4 of The Handmaid's Tale?...
Yesterday I saw a blurb that The Trailer for season 4 is out.
Of course this is a harrowing show to watch !
But the acting, and cinematography is so darn good.
Which why I am watching it.
If this thread is inappropriate let me know

(3,810 posts)electric_blue68
(20,237 posts)
(54,515 posts)musette_sf
(10,349 posts)April 28th
can't wait
(20,237 posts)of S3 last ep earlier today to be ready.
I'd totally forgotten what happened!
(10,349 posts)which would set the scene for a series based on The Testaments.
(20,237 posts)electric_blue68
(20,237 posts)I got the impression she got to Canada, and then went back. But idk.
Looks really good!
(10,349 posts)I think THT is moving in the direction where The Testaments picks up.
(20,237 posts)I think I remember it coming out, and being excited about it. But at that time I wasn't going to the library much.
(54,461 posts)Lunabell
(7,309 posts)I read the book many years ago, brilliant. But I can't look at it on real time. I am angry enough as it is.
(20,237 posts)I read it when in came out in paperback back in the '80's
in my 30's.
(27,430 posts)felt it was going into being completely unbelievable.
I tend to like logic and believability in what I watch, which means that most series last only a season, if I'm lucky three, before I can't watch them any more.
I started watching Good Girls but about 4 episodes in I simply can't buy what is happening. Sigh.
It's why I stopped watching The Crown after about three episodes. I've read too many actual biographies of the people being portrayed to overlook the vast fictions being perpetrated.
(20,237 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,430 posts)I also write a bit of it. So I know about suspension of disbelief, but that's vastly different from getting factual stuff wrong.
(20,237 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,430 posts)Getting wrong what actually happened is another.
However, I don't want to sound as if others should be as particular as I am. If you like a given series, go for it. Just ignore kill-joys like me. Really. Ignore us.
What I like might well strike you as dumb or not worth watching or reading. Which doesn't really matter. There is so much out there to watch or read that no matter what our tastes we should find plenty to enjoy.
(20,237 posts)on my part!
You know what it is - sometimes I think "logic" is
a bit of a trigger word for me. Life for me is not only
about logic.
Now getting things really wrong if it's a supposed to be a series based on real history that sounds annoying. In story telling sometimes things get condensed, characters combinded etc.
Plenty of stuff out there for us to enjoy (and thank goodness for that due to pandemic conditions). 👍
BTW, I've read and watched a ton of SF myself. : )
we're you ever published?
(27,430 posts)I may have come across as elitist.
Yes, I've been published. Check your DU mail.
(20,237 posts)Yikes! And exciting!
(20,237 posts)😯😯😯😯😯
Fasten your seatbelts!!!!!
(20,237 posts)After seeing that last trailer I want to -
SeeTheEpisodesAllAtOnce!!!!! 💻🖥️📱📺
I can't wait a while season to see it all undfold!
😂 😜 😂
(10,349 posts)Watched most of Episode 1 last night.
(20,237 posts)😯 🤪 😲
oooh, man!!!
Well I know what I'll be binging on tonight!
I guess you could say I got a partial wish - about 1/4 of a season! 😄
Later. 👍
(20,237 posts)It's quite late and hopefully we'll talk here over the week...
but besides the incredible work of the show - the word that kept on appearing in my mind was -
these Handmaids being gaslighted so much by
Gilead into (not always successfully eventually as we
have seen) their role in society (of Gilead).
That's all for now.
(stay safe)
(20,237 posts)Wow what a season! Spoilers
Quickly off the top of my head...
Scary, nasty, terrible stuff getting to, and in Chicago!
Seeing June and Janice getting rid of their Handmaid's outfit! YES!!!!!
June makes it to Canada!
Thank goodness for Moira.
The interesting back and forrhs between Serena & Fred.
No love for them, but interesting.
What's going to happen to Serena's baby.
Another THT chat group posited - now that they'll
know that Serena is fertile - will they make
her a Handmaid? Heh, heh, hehhhh 😈
(oh, the delicious irony!)
The women's group.
I think I vote for venting anger and healing.
Poor Janice! And poor Mrs Keyes!
It seems that (though we don't see enough of the Aunts
to make a full judgement) Aunt Lydia seems to have a
shred of decency in the affection (it might be real) she sometimes shows the handmaids.
Other group someone mentioned something very interesting about Aunt Lydia.
I have to reread THT. Then I can read The Testaments. 👍
(10,349 posts)electric_blue68
(20,237 posts)at first when she met with Fred I thought after she finished her drink that she'd break the glass, and kill him.
That would have stupid because most likely she'd be put in jail. Then she wouldn't get to try to free Hannah.
I felt a bit of upset at Fred's salvaging, but mostly deep satisfaction (feral, or not) as a chief architect of women's slavery getting Gilead justice from some of it's victims.
In the fiture...
Serena Joy possibly being forced become a Handmaid? A bit of upset from me, AND serious satisfaction (Heh, heh, hehhh) at the thought of that since she went around the country giving speeches, and writing book about a Gilead like seeming society.
I'm sure I have a few more thoughts, but for now - this.
Thank's for a new reply. 👍
(765 posts)Roller coaster of a finale, for sure, but so satisfying. The series is really about the manifestation of June's rage and it is especially uncomfortable and palpable this season.
Serena gets no quarter from me. She's as much a monster as her husband. In the end, though they both make noises, neither she nor Fred truly understand or take responsibility for what they've done, even as much the same is happening to them. Horrible hypocrites.
(20,237 posts)Last edited Sat Jun 19, 2021, 08:32 PM - Edit history (1)
We certainly are seeing what trauma induced rage can bring out in people - June as main example.
In contrast - but she did have a year +? to process stuff out we see Moira in the healing past the rage stage.
I didn't catch the blurb under Fred (on the [a] wall) on my first viewing; I rewatched it last night.
YES- the Latin "don't let the bastards grind you down!" phrase!!!!!
Soooo effin' satisfying!
So want to see June and allies take down Gilead next season! Hopefully Janice & Mrs Keyes will be freed [free themselves]! Will Aunt Lydia turn around, redeem herself, and now betray Gilead? Does 🤞 Serena becone a Handmaid?
Stay tune!
Only we have to wait a full year. I guess I'll go to The Testimates.
(20,237 posts)... the spirit, and certain aspects of the expansion of the THT world in sync with her vision. 👍
(9,685 posts)A must watch everyone!